The cost of treatment overseas is a considerable burden for any family. While the treatment itself is covered by MTOP (Medical Treatment Overseas Program), there are considerable associated costs with travelling to Seattle not covered by the program. All money raised will go to assisting the family with these costs.
Violet is a 7-year-old Melbourne girl, diagnosed with Leukaemia when she was 4.
After three years of enduring chemotherapy and radiation therapy at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Australian Oncology specialists have told Violet and her parents, that she is not responding to standard treatment and that there are currently no further effective treatment options available for her in Australia.
The Royal Children’s Hospital Oncology specialists, in consultation with the International Oncology Panel, have advised the best chance at saving Violet’s life is an immunotherapy treatment called ‘CAR T cell therapy’. This treatment is only available at a few hospitals worldwide and Violet has been accepted to receive this treatment at Seattle Children’s Hospital, U.S.A.
Violet, Mum (Tess), Dad (Sal) and younger brother PJ, will need to relocate to Seattle and set up home there for 3 months so Violet can access this life saving treatment. It is risky treatment with severe side effects, however it is now the only hope remaining for Violet.
In order for Violet to receive this treatment, her parents will need to pay $455,000 USD ($615,000 AUD) upfront, with no Medicare rebate.
Please donate to give brave, young Violet the opportunity to survive this cancer and the chance of living a normal childhood.
April 2015
Violet’s parents, Tess and Sal, are just like you and me. They live in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, both working and striving for career progression, have a beautiful 4-year-old daughter (Violet), proudly watching her thrive; at kinder 3 days a week and taking classical ballet lessons, and expecting their second child in July…the usual busy life of a young family.
Like any child starting at kinder, Violet caught all the usual frequent infections. However, Violet became progressively more tired, taking unscheduled naps on the couch whilst kids played around her. Many weeks were spent at home, from what seemed to be a relentless plethora of viruses, tonsillitis and an ear infection. After 3 courses of antibiotics with no apparent effect, Violet had become so weak she stopped walking. Upon the 5th GP visit in 7 weeks, Tess and Sal were told to take Violet to the Royal Children’s Hospital immediately.
Four hours after walking in the door of Emergency, and after having only simple standard blood tests performed, Violet was diagnosed with blood cancer.
In the following days she was diagnosed with Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia – Standard Risk (bone marrow isolated), the most common and successfully treated form of childhood cancer. Violet was required to undergo two and a half years of treatment.
May 2017
The end was in sight. Violet underwent her last intravenous chemotherapy treatment and Violet and her family celebrated what they thought would be her final Lumbar Puncture. Devastatingly, Tess and Sal, were informed by the Oncologist at the Royal Children’s Hospital, that the cancer had not only returned, it had spread to the fluid around her brain and spine.
This meant Violet was required to undergo more aggressive chemotherapy with a treatment plan of a further two and half years, this time including whole brain radiation therapy.
June 2018
One year into treatment, and only a couple of weeks after the aggressive therapy had ceased, the worst outcome materialised, Violet’s cancer returned for a second time…
We are reaching out to tell you Violet’s story. The story of an incredibly beautiful, independent and brave 7-year-old girl. We ask you to help Violet and her family, a family not dissimilar to our own, on their very real journey to save their daughters life.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Elli Mokalei Family ❤️

We love you our mini Pumbs/Princess Superstar xx


Carol & David Burton

Okalani,margaret And Omari Lolohea
We love you violet 😘

Espena Barlow
Stay strong Violet.

Tameeka Robertson
Sending lots of hugs and kisses


A lil more. Huuuuuuugggsss!



Sandra Iaconelli
Thinking of you all ❤️

Kim Edwards
Thinking of you guys. Stay strong. Kim, Penny, Harper and the boys.

Fran And Mitch
Sending our love and prayers to you all from back home.


Ben & Steph Willey

Kat & Sam Mu
Praying for you Violet and Uhi family. Love you guys

Matching staff donation (Melanie Robertson)

Lisa And Justin
Wishing all the best, Violet

Mvps Staff
With love and support from all the teachers and staff at MVPS

Kazinoti Family
In loving memory of Antony Kazinoti. All the best to Violet and family.

Fleur & Jamie

Jinx And Peter In California
Wishing you well, Violet

All the best for Violet and her family x

Camilla And Rasmus

Bridget Hansen
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xx


Jill, Tim, Elijah And Natalie

Kirsty & Brendan Nolan

Sending positive thoughts and love!!

Every best wish to you Violet xxxx

Kylie Andrew
Thinking of you. Good luck!!

The Loeding Family
With love and best wishes to Violet and her family. xxxx


Good Luck with your treatment

Kao Family
All the best to you with love💖, Kayley

Matt Vassie

Wishing Violet all the best!

Amh & Jenny
Our thoughts and good karma go with you

Good luck and stay strong! God bless you xx

Much love to you, Violet.

Thinking of you guys, take care.

Sokly, Matt & Jax
Sending your family so much love!!

Mrs Bishop
Best wishes for your recovery

Gershon Fernandez
Good luck

Matthew Chan
Best wishes to you and your family. Physio Matt

You just have to know that you ll be fine and you ll be! We are sending you a positive energy across

Darcy Flood
Hope you get better soon, from Darcy at school

Sending all best wishes

Smokey's Mum And Dad
Keep fighting princess xo

Michelle & Ethan Corbett
sending love x

Duane And Liz

Good luck!



Love and prayers with you Violet and your family. Jodie Carroll and family x


Danielle Stefano

Laura Beckett

Izzy Madison (grade 4)
Get well quickly Violet! Best wishes for a safe and successful trip.


Celine Ku
Sending lots of love & strength your way Sal, Tess,V & PJ! Stay strong! Love, Celine


Arthur Sthill
Lots of love and stuff


The Walls

Sav From Kingston Centre Finance

Jayne, Tibor And Isabella
Violet is a great kid who is always smiling, with a lovely family. All the best gorgeous girls xx

Stephanie Maiyah
All the best to you Violet!! You are incredibly brave and you have a wonderful family that loves you


Vis Colleague
Thoughts are with you Sal and family.....

Brenda And Millie


Tevita & Tevin
❤️Love you cousin Violet❤️

Phill, Vesna And Tara Doran
Best wishes and our thoughts are with you.

Mills Family
Best wishes to you all xxxx

Annie And Moses Fifita
Wishing you all the very best Violet! Ofa atu from the Fifita’s ❤️

Martin Family
Best wishes

W Smythe
Thinking of you and your family Violet and sending lots of love.

Kingston Saia Jr & Elijah Sione Jr
🌈🦄We love you cousin Violet. xo

Bee Lian Soo
Out thoughts are always with you and your beloved family, lots of love and warm regards!




Kasey Mcf Plo
Sending my well wishes to Violet and her family xx

Sustainable Cleaning Solutions
All the best wishes

Indika Marasinghe


Best wishes

Funds Raised At Kingston North 2 (finance And It) Morning Tea...
Sending our best wishes to Violet and her family.. xx

Jane & John Graham
Positive thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome

Jamie B
Wishing you, Violet and your family all the best and hope to hear of some positive news very soon!

Wishing you courage and lots of love for a speedy recovery

Grace Taylor
Colleague of Glenda

Fayman Family
Hoping for the best outcome

Karen Wright (cdams)
Blessings to you all.

Hazel And Paul


Foley Family
Sending love and support to Violet from Callum Foley (1/2P) & family x

Simon And Genevieve Ward
Wishing all of you the very best.

Kate Lynch

Kim Williams
All the very best to you Violet and your loving family.



Renee And Sophia
Wishing you all the best from your friends at MVPS x

Gg Magele
Kia Kaha:)

Sienna And Grace

Mrs Pereira
Wishing you all the best Violet and stay strong.

May God bless you and your family.


James & Susan
Believing for a full recovery! God Bless.

Sayako Nakagawa
We love you, Violet, wonderful girl X

Nan And Jason
We are so sorry to hear such bad news. Stay strong and all the best for your family.

Jackson Family

Laura Dubsky

Taylor Family
Wishing you all the best x

Tui N Kat Tuai-taufoou
With love and prayers from Matangi, Sione and Meleane ❤️

Kim Wlodarczyk
My thoughts are with you, Sal & Tess. Hope Violet gets better soon!

Best wishes Violet and family



Janes Family
Stay strong and good luck Violet. Your clearly have an amzing family supporting you well.


Liora Miller

Msmc Student Services
Get well soon Violet

Wishing you all the best.

Sharp And Cameron Families
Sending you all our love- especially little V xx

Ben, Claire And Harvey
Sending our love and positive vibes

Mole Family
Sending lots of strength to Violet and her family.

Bruce Willis & Family
1 Cor 13:7 LOVE bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Mavis Dean

With Love

Vic Weeks And Family
Wishing Violet and the whole family the very best for a successful treatment xx


Best of luck

Lisa, Justin, Christina, Ronnie And Sophie
Sending our love to you Violet. Xx

Kristal Hammond
All my thoughts are with you and the family during this time. Xxx

Mrs Mariana Surenian
Best wishes. Thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you back at school soon.

Mary Mc
Keep fighting beautiful

Marisa (ms M)
Thinking of you Violet. Best wishes to you and your family.

Thinking of you all x

Qatar Girls 💜💜
Prayers of strength and healing! Lots of love Ruby, Edith, Anjula, Mahi, Liz, Ari, Ishi 💜

Paul & Ann Kean

A Friend Of Hollys
We are praying for you.


Beth Merkus
Keep strong Violet - many people are supporting you for a complete recovery xx

My thoughts are with you Sal & Tess. Keep fighting Violet! All the best to you and your family

Benjamin & Archie
You’re doing so great, Violet. All our love as you head over to America. Fight on, baby! xoxo

Tuai Family Nz
We love you all so much. Keeping you all in prayer. Special shout out from uncle Johnny

The Mullers
Every good wish for the journey ahead

All our love Violet

Leah And Kristian Eames
Wishing you health and happiness xxx

Pat & Hazel Love (darcy's Nanna & Grandad)
Get better real soon Violet!

Loretta Crew
Warm wishes for successful treatment.

Zorka Dingbaum
In memory of my brother, Tony Kazinoti, who would have wanted to help.


The Girl Next Door
Fuck off cancer🖕🏻

The Piccolo's

Carl And Lauren Ponte


John & Sandra Wearne
Sending all our best wishes.

Kristy Holmes-brown


Isla Barwick
hi Violet, I wanted to give you my pocket money this month so you can get better. love Isla xxxxo

Williams Family
Love and best wishes

Rachel Rae
So brave...

Emily, Alaina & Isabella
With love.

Cathy Tran
Sending my love

Sainesh Singh

The Lamb Family (claire Grade 4)
At MVPS we stand together to fight cancer. Here's to gaining every opportunity for Violet.

Elsa Kwan
God bless Violet.


Nicholas And Darunee

Uncle Pat & Aunty Betty Mc Dermott
Thoughts and prayers are with you all the way , godbless

Joane Allas
Sending positive thoughts, love & prayers to the Uhi family xxx

Bee-ha Soo (sis Of Bee Lian)
May Violet be strong and stay positive all the way till recovery - lots of Love to the Uhi family xx



Slavia Ivanovic
Lots of love and prayers to you all

Scott Family
With our very best wishes

Linh Tran
Best of luck in Seattle.

Marie Neivandt

love and prayers for your family

Peter And Maree Pritchard (parents Of Miss Pritchard, Violet's Teacher
Utmost respect and admiration for Violet's challenge. Prayers are with you for a successful outcome.

Donna Mccrae
Wishing you all the very best outcome

J Alfano
Violet your resilience is inspiring, sending love to you and your family.


Deb Kinder
Be strong 💪🏻



Continued thoughts and prayers for all that is ahead of you.

Lauren And Dave
Thinking of you and sending lots of love

Miss Pritchard
Wishing you all the very best Violet! You are truly an inspiration to all:)

Melissa Tapper

Angie L
God bless you little Violet xx

Bev Erley And Terry Wright
Thinking of you all

Thanks to Glenda Scott for sending out this cause

Refuah Shlema

James Kennard

Sarah L
Sending love and best wishes to the whole family x

Lisa White
Wishing you all the best

Bridget Mcdermott

O'sullivan Family.
Good luck.



Mandy Sacks
All the best for a speedy recovery

God be with you and be blessed with a healthy future.

Tahni Grinblat

Mark, Liz & Ella

Tvk + Kb
Thoughts and hopes with you all! Fingers and toes crossed!

From my family to your, we give you our love and best wishes

Sue, Rob And Daniel
God Bless you little princess GOD has this all sorted. It's already dealt with 💕💗❤🙏

Carl And Toula

The Barbers
Violet, you are amazing.

Denise Seymour

Lana Fleiszig
Wishing the family all the very best!

Nicole Kipos

I’m lucky enough to work with your old man. With him in your corner you can face anything. xx

Georgia Kostakos
Hi Sione, I hope your niece gets better soon.

Katie Nguyen
Wishing you all the best!

Koti Ngawati

Jonny And Clare
All the best my darling Tess! I'm sorry I can't afford more right now! Lots of love xx

Elaine Tor

Ashley Gillespie
Sending lots of love and healing thoughts x

Tahlia T And Saskia T
Get well soon Violet! We’ll miss you while you’re in America. We want you back at school soon!

Anna Nicolas
Sending positive thoughts and lots of luck sweet girl x

Kai, Malia, And Maikah

Dear Violet, my kids go to school with you and we all send you our love. Stay strong and brave :)

Friend From School
Get better!

Grandparents Of Your Friend From School
Wishing you all the best

Camilleri Family
All the love, Jess, Steph, Jose & Colin. x

Camilleri Family
❤️All the love, Jess, Steph, Jose & Colin. x

Pippa (mark's Friend)
All the best for Violet's healing journey

Camilleri Family


Mafi And The Nzlers
Raising you in prayer lil Violet 💕 Praying for strength and comfort upon you all. Love you from NZL

Kei, Chihiro, Sola, And Zen
Please be strong. Wishing you all the best.

Shamir (friend Of Glenda)
Wishing you courage and good health!!!!

Mary Macleish

Shirley Wallace

Tiz, Mia, Rita And Tony
Dear Violet and Family, you have touched our hearts. Love from Tiz, Mia, Rita and Tony Corda xxxx

The Gay Uncles
Om Shanti ♡♡

Much love to you

Brendan & Danielle Edwards

Helmut And Lynne


Nerissa Turner
All best best Violet! Good luck guys... thinking of you. :-)

Cam And Ness
Thinking of you all xx

Elizabeth Brown
Thinking of your family

Wishing you all the strength to get through this. Xxx

Kate Mckenzie, Eeva's Sister.
Sending well wishes and positive vibes!

Mat, Amanda, April & Emile
Thinking of you guys. All the best.

Bec Dean
All the best x

Anne De Maio

Makhan Singh

Lemi Phan
My thoughts are with you! Xox

Louise Corben
Love to you all. xx

Sending love, light, hope and strength xxxx

Nathan And Nicole
Thinking of you during this difficult time, stay strong! Love from the team at CBA

May love, strength and faith be with you all.

Susan And Family
You are one strong little princess Violet. We are all with you precious girl xxx

Betty, Okana & Martin Mc Dermott
We wish the very best for you all.

Kart - Darcy’s Friends
Healing thoughts! What a brave and beautiful soul.

Mary Ryan
I’m a colleague of Talita at Spotlight. Violet you and your family are always in our prayers. xo

Lavingi Fine Tupou
With love, prayer and best wishes Vaioleti and your family as you prepare to take on this journey.

Linda, Chris And Tarni Ray
Sending our love to Violet and Family 💜


Chris Nunn
Wishing you all the best for the journey ahead. All my love

Sue & Rick

Alison Smith
May all your wishes come true

Ben & Hope Pascoe

Elvie Browne (spotlight)

Imogen Leaver
All the strength in the world x

Karen Rees
Sending you our love and prayers Violet and family x



Pepe Fifita
Ofa Atu Violeti sii.


A Caring Tasmanian
GOODLUCK beautiful brave girl, stay strong and you can do it ! Love to you and your family XXXX

Mamon Family

Mary & Manny Savvas
Hoping and Praying that all goes well for little Violet. Stay strong Tess, we're all thinking of you

Jemma T
Sending so much love♡♡♡

Maggie And Dave
All the best, Violet

All the best!

Macy Harvey Carly Andrew
♥♥ sending love

Ben King

John & Andrea

With many prayers

Joyce Correnza
God is with you little princess.

Dorey, Helen, Jackson & Alice

By the Lords stripes, Violet is healed in Jesus name. Believing God will move mountains.

Meabh, Ruairi & Fiadh-rose Mc Connell
Godbless you all we will be thinking and praying for you all especially your wee warrior xxx

Meabh Ruairi And. Fiadh-rose Mc Connell

Mark And Julia

Christine Constantinou
Stay strong precious girl. Sending you positive thoughts and healing prayers. xx

Daniel And Francoise
Don't give up! stay strong!

S And D
All our thoughts are with Violet

You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Love & God Bless

Our prayers are with you

Sinead ,cathal Martin And Kids
God bless wee violet

Chris Georgiou
All the best for the treatment in the US

Lyn Gordon
Love strength and healing prayers for Violet.

Ikuna, Valenisia & Emeline Fane Holoia
All the best Violet jr. Ofa lahi atu moe lotu 🙏🏽❤️

Matt Jolley & Carla Warren
Wishing you all the best with the big move xoxxo

Allan Hill

Leigh Lavery
Fingers crossed for you team!


B, K, P & Z Fitzgerald
Love to you all xxxx

Get Well Violet
Was brought to attention by BeeLian Soo, an ex staff of Patrick and in memory of Thomas WS Kwan.



Roo Nolen
All the best in Seattle - keep fighting!

Alexia Rentifis
Sending you our love from your best friend always Alexia

The Broderick Family
Wishing this beautiful girl a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you.

Amanda Cauchi
With Love

Roger And Bezi Lamb
Good luck& best wishes.

Aunty Mel
Love you guys xo Prayers n hugs

Patrick Kean

Darren & Sally Lamb
Thinking of you and sending lots of love to you all. Xx

Sending love your way.


Julia And Mervin
Sending all of our love prayers and wishes xxxxxxxx

Jayc Carter
Sending love and support to Violet and her family.

Liz Attrill
All the best. Thinking of you.

Sending love & hope

Bianca Furmston
Sending love and best wishes xx

Lina And Sam Morda

Wishing you the best for treatment and sending strength xx

Katrina Carter
Best of luck Friends of sally & Darren’s

Rebecca Horvath

Mat Habel
Sending our prayers and love XX

Mark, Kate, Sophia & Scarlett Brown
All the best mate to you and your family

Nick Roach
Sending all my love! ❤


Bayri Family
Wishing you all the best! ❤️

Leigh Redfern
Stay strong Be positive !

The Hale Family
Love you guys. Praying always. X

Ash John
Thinking of you Sal & family

Jane & Jol
Always thinking of you. x



Chris & Peta
Good wishes & get well little girl


❤️ See you back in Melbourne, let me know if you find any unicorns over there!

Eric Wang
Best wishes


Maie & Bob
Sending love @ strength to your family

Baxter Family
Prayers and love to Violet and the family!


Chris Browne

Wishing love and strength to you all!

So sorry to hear this further devastating news Sal. Thinking of you and the family. KJ xxx

John Russell

Mathew Sayers
All the best Violet hope it all goes well.


Dee And Shane
Sending love and prayers ❤️

Get well soon e kotiro

Joe, Sela & Loleni Lolohea
We love you and are keeping you in our prayers Violet ❤️

Carley, Yusof, Harvey & Max
All the very best with the treatment in the U.S. Sending positive thoughts and prayers to you. xx

Best wishes x

Saia K
All the best , sending prayers xx

Jodie Lasker
Hope it helps. Love you Sal xx


Linda Longin
Hoping for only good things to come Violets way. From an old colleagues of Pats at DHHS

Barbara Workman
Very best of luck with the immunotherapy

Gemma, Luke And Zac

Lynore Merrett & Family
Thinking of you all. xo

Chris Howard
You are a brave and inspirational girl Violet.

Garrett F
Best wishes to Violet and the family. Stay positive.

Tommy And Jane

Tev Power
Puke mai toketaa ke ta'o. Haha

Julie Laughton

Sash P
Our prayers with her!

Malia,maikah And Kai Lolohea
We Love you and are Praying for you..

Natalie And David Delac
Keep up the brave fight. All our love and best wishes.

Thinking of you. I hope this small amount can contribute to your journey and beautiful girl x

Love, thoughts and prayers are with you

Ginsberg Family
Sending positive thoughts, light and love X

Have faith and don't lose hope.

Jim Dean

Clare Calbert

Melanie Burton

Alexis Beulke

Best Wishes.

Maria Bellino

Laura & Davide Conti

Deb Drum (lucas)
Sending love to you all 💜


Kate And Richard Vines
With our very best wishes. Stay strong

The Flanagan Family
With all our love and support, stay strong beautiful family xx

Catherine Fernandez

Best wishes Tess. Be brave :)

Patrick And Julia Mcdermott

Auntie Lita
Love you all very much!


Catherine Valeri
You’ve got this Tess! Thinking of you all and sending loads of positive vibes xxxxxx 💕💕

June Dammous-larson
My best wishes everything goes well. Love you all. You’re always in our hearts!

Michelle Dammous And Family
With love xx

Merv Richards
Violet, Tess, Sal and PJ keep up the fight, you are amazing people.

Celeste Small
With Love xxx

Julie Osullivan
Lots of love.

Nick And Leah Mahon

Donna Markham
My heart and that’s thoughts are with you all x

Shane Hackett
Thinking of you all!!

Michele And George

Tania Taylor
Stay strong Violet and good luck

Roxanne And Ben
Sending all our strength and much love always xxx

Keep fighting, Violet. Sending strength and love to you all.

Sarah Scott And Family

Michelle Holligan

Jono Ws

Jess Morda
Sending you all love ❤️

Melissa Collier
Sending all of the love ❤️

Mark Mullan
Thinking of your brave little Girl Xx

Melanie Schneidruk
Sending you all the very best for the journey ahead.

Tamika And Adam Brett
All our love xx

Rachel Werdin
Oh Tess my heart goes out to you and all your family right now xoxoxo

Michele Umber

Love and strength.

Maya Webb

Peter, Rachel And Charli
Thinking of you all. 💝

Jenny And Ron Schneidruk
Sending heartfelt thought to you all

The Schneidruks
Thinking of you all

Lisa Collins
Sending love and strength to you all xx

The Collins Family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Thinking of you all, stay strong

Nicole Clark
Sal,Tess,Little V & PJ, Stay strong! Nic, Glenn & Sienna xx


Todd, Jana & Londyn Beasy
Stay strong, sending all out love and best wishes!

Kylie Clarke
Sending all our love and strength to you Violet, tess and family xx

What a journey Violet, may your treatment in Seattle bring health back to you x

Best wishes to such a brave little girl.

Jacqui Irlam
Our thoughts are with you all xx

Positive thoughts and prayers being sent your way

Helen Nguyen
Sal your little girl is beautiful, please be strong and i wish all the very best for you all. Hele

Alana And Family
Sending love and hope from us❤

Lou & Gabs
Hey Tess, our thoughts are with you all, especially Violent in her journey for recovery.

Alyse & Lachlan
Sending you all so much hope and love ❤️

Sharon Myles
Thinking of you

Tony & Sharni
I’m so so sorry to hear this news Guys . Stay strong
Love & prayers always ❤️