Helping Paul Eddington

By Paul Eddington

Hello, my name is Paul Eddington.  I am 53 years old (born in 1970), never married, and no children.  I have a rare cancer called pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP). 

Here is how it all went down….. 

In March 2023, I finally decided to see my GP to work out why my neck muscles were spasming when I turned my neck a certain way.  I was sent off for a cervical CT to look for spinal nerve impingements.  When we got the results, not only could they see the nerve impingements, but also that C3 and C4 had self-fused. 

Vertebrae self-fusing is not a normal event, so my GP sent me off for a series of blood tests.  One test came back positive: ankylosing spondylitis (otherwise known as bamboo spine). 

In short, and given enough time, I have a spinal column that is very slowly going to change from 33 separate bones, into one long bone.  The C3/C4 fusion is complete, and C4/C5 aren’t far behind. 

I then became concerned as to how many of my other vertebrae had fused.  So my GP sent me off for a thoracic/abdominal/pelvic CT scan.  The results indicated no more vertebrae fused, but there was an incidental finding…… large ascites. 

I’m the first to admit that I didn’t know the word ascites when I saw it on that report.  I now know all about it.  Ascites is an orange-brownish fluid that is produced by several abdominal cancers including PMP. 

The really upsetting news was that ascites is a defining characteristic of stage 4 abdominal cancer. 

I then started a regime of attending Fiona Stanly Hospital every two-weeks or so to have the ascites drained. 

We had cytology done on the first lot of ascitic fluid.  The results were life-changing for me.  The cytology confirmed pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP). 

My PMP originated in my appendix.  So my primary cancer is appendiceal. 

When the appendix becomes diseased, it expresses free-floating tumours out into the peritoneum (abdominal cavity).  Then the ascites washes that tumour around all corners of the peritoneum.  If the tumour gets lucky and brushes up against a blood-supply, then it latches on and begins to grow and infect that organ with cancer. 

So as you can imagine, PMP goes from stage 1 to stage 4 in very rapid order.  And worse than that – it is painless.  I had stage 4 cancer and I didn’t even know about it. 

I went to the GP to find a treatment for my neck pain.  I ended up with stage 4 PMP and not a great prognosis for the future. 

I was then referred for a ‘staging laparoscopy’.    Basically, the surgeon inserts a small camera into your abdomen to get a visual understanding of the severity of the disease. 

This is where things went from bad to diabolical.  The grading is indicated by a Peritoneal Cancer Index (PCI).  Briefly, the abdomen is divided up into 13 sections.  Each of the 13 abdominal regions (0–12) are given a score a score ranging from 0 (no tumour seen) to 3 (tumour >5 cm or confluence). 

My PCI was 39/39 meaning my entire abdominal cavity was covered in tumours greater than 5 centimetres in width in all sections. 

The Perth specialist surgeon declined me for the CRS+HIPEC operation, and instead referred me to an oncologist.  The surgeon instructed me to do 6 months of chemotherapy with the oncologist, and then come back for a second laparoscopic staging. 

I completed 3 months of chemotherapy with FOLFOX as my poison.  And poison is what it did.  It made me quite unwell, and the tumour marker numbers in my blood went up, not down. 

So rather than do another 3 months on chemo, I investigated other options. 

I found a specialist peritonectomy team based in St George Hospital, Kogarah, NSW.  I contacted the head of that team, Professor David Morris, and sent him all my CTs, MRIs and PET scans. 

To my great relief, he indicated that he would be happy to operate on me, as long as I was OK to travel to NSW to receive the treatment.  I replied that I was. 

The operation occurred on October 26, 2023, and lasted 13.5 hours. 

I won’t go into the gory details of the operation itself.  If you Google CRS+HIPEC+EPIC, then you will find plenty of gore that will explain the process. 

The peritonectomy team removed my spleen, gall bladder, appendix, greater omentum, lesser omentum, most of my large intestine, and some of my small intestine.   

The lack of a large intestine means I now have a transverse colon colostomy bag. 

I’m now post-op and trying to work out what to do with myself.  I have somewhere between 6 months and ten years to live.  Statistically, there is no survival for me after ten years. 

I am examining my finances, and this is giving me anxiety.  I don’t qualify for Centrelink payments, as I have too many assets (because I own my home). 

As it stands right now, I have skipped my dental checkup, and my Molescan checkup.  I don’t want to live like this, but at the moment it’s what I have to do. 

Any money you donate will go towards paying my bills.  So things like electricity, gas, water, council rates, car registration and the like. 

I grew up poor, so I am uneasy asking for charity money.  So, before you donate, please ask yourself:  are you forgoing in your own life if you donate?  If you are, then please do not donate.  You need that money, and you earnt it.  However, if you’ve found yourself lucky enough to have some spare money, then I would be grateful to receive it. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Rare Cancers Australia for being here for people in my situation.  The staff have been incredibly helpful and compassionate at a time that I really needed it.  So THANK YOU to Rare Cancers Australia. 


Thank you to my Sponsors




Lynn Wiltshire

Paul you are an inspiration. I hope you are up and around soon. Lynn US


Evgenia Pshenichnov

I hope it helps you and your partner a little. I wish you feel better and feel love during your darkest days.


Debbie Jares

Paul, as always I'm praying for you, Caroline, Noel. I wish you nothing but positive strength and peace. No pain. You are so special with a positive message for everyone. (Pippadot)


Kejia Chen



Lots of love x






Robin Gladwin


Bruno Givisiéz

Keep fighting my friend. You are in my thoughts and my prayers every day.



Thank you for sharing your brave journey.




Carol Hart

You are always in my prayers. Happy Birthday Paul!




George George


Wai Kit Wong

Rooting for you and sending you lots of love from Hong Kong, Paul!!


Fred Cordell


Mir Mur

Keep fighting Paul. We are with you!




Linda Provo

Hang in there, Paul. Hugs from Lawrence, Kansas, USA


Lena Ocansey

Good luck, Paul. Your life is an inspiration. 💛







Nervana Ramdyal

May God send his healing powers over you.


Nervana Ramdyal

May God send his healing power over you.



You got this, Paul!




Maryann Weston

Hey Paul, I am a colorectal cancer survivor. You’ve had a tough road and I hope this small donation helps make things a little smoother.


Sandy H

Well you said something about $65 so that's what I'm sending you. Your channel (as well as Jenny who lived near me here in Rancho Cucamonga) have touched me. I wish I could do more. Praying. .


Hamza S.

Love for Paul :'(


Gaddi Rodriguez

Praying for you!




Susan Williams

You were always so kind to think of others. It is time to pass the kindness back to you. Thinking of you.


Anna Taliani

Prego per te e ti invio un abbraccio grosso dall'Italia. Ti voglio bene ❤️. Anna


Amy Lee

Sending healing thoughts your way from the U.S. <3


Sandy K

Sending much love and many prayers for you Paul and dear Caroline.


Fiore Muraca

Paul I know you from Youtube only Your story is a tough one, I personally could not Fathom going through, I can offer prayer and best wishes my friend. Fiore Muraca AKA Youtube Channel MUR-LOC


Citizen Chic Clothing




Lesley Perkins

From Perkins UK






Paige Garberding

Wish I had a magic wand and could just whisk away all your troubles. ❤️&🤗🤗🤗& The Force be with you.


Paige Garberding

Wish I had a magic wand to make all your troubles go away. ❤️&🤗🤗🤗& The Force be with you.


Simon Und Tabea Weißer

A little help from Germany. Greetings and hugs!


Debra Demers



Dylan Nangle

Good luck Paul! Been following your story for a while and am wishing you all the best in your recovery.


Joe Najar



I admire your strength and determination. God Bless you both.




Roy Whitaker


Betza De Leon

Paul, I have been following your journey. Fellow stomach stage 4 cancer patient myself, diagnosed Feb this year. I have faith and my prayers go out to you. I wish you a swift recovery


Betza De Leon

Paul, I wish you all the best. Stage 4 stomach cancer patient here, I have faith and sending you prayers


Paul Eddington

Sorry It's only a small amount I wish I could afford more. Stay strong Paul you can do this. Caroline is there all the way for you. Big hugs from Sue in Wales xx


Sarah Levy

Wishing you nothing but good health & a life full of love 🩵


Elizabeth Craig


Jasmine Hodgson


Carrie Derner





Donations are good and I'm confident that Paul/Caroline will pass any excess to others in need. Thanks for sharing your story with candor and grace - it's priceless. Best, from another Caroline US


Alexis Coutts

All the best Paul, i found you site when i was waiting for my periotonectomy with Proff Morris in January. i'm sorry that you had to undergo that horrific surgery again. All the best.


David Batista

Good luck to you Paul! And stay positive!


Adrian Platts


Nina Balitout

Love from Germany ❤️


Alexander Kiefer

Hello Paul. I'm following for over a year now and you are truly inspiring. I'm just a uni student, so i can't spend the world, but i still hope this helps in combination with the others. Stay strong!


Helen Panzer

Dear Paul, you're a light in this world and I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I hope this helps a bit.




Sandie Keeble

I can't donate much, but what I send is with love


Michelle Pulleine

Hope this helps a little. Xxx




Suz Sto

All the best for your recovery Paul


Steve Tomney

Keep your chin up mate! The way you’ve soldiered through this nightmare is an inspiration!


Ann Avron


Hannah Mantle

Good luck Paul! I hope I have a friend like Caroline one day. Love to you both.


Hannah Mantle

Good luck Paul! I hope I have a friend like Caroline one day. You're a great team. Love to you both from the UK.


Joost Van Gelder

A little help from Holland!


Gail Pritchard

Best wishes to you and the best ex gf eva from Gail in Edinburgh, Scotland




Mandy Burgess

Moppy6 here. So much love for you two❤️




Dean Robinson

Good health buddy




Maria Sands

Best wishes Paul for a speedy recovery.




Henrik Schröder



I hope this helps a little bit, sending hugs and hope from NY


Ryan Brunne

Love from Canada, Paul! I hope this helps


Mark Nelson

All the best in your battle paul from the other side of the world in Northern Ireland.


Patty Glynn

My husband is a 4+ year survivor of cholangiocarcinoma. It is also a deadly and rare cancer. Best wishes to you.


Becky Giardino


Diane Smith


Brodie Basterfield

Been following you for a while now Paul. Your a strong man and I wish you all the best for the future.


Julie Fowler

I hope this helps you and Caroline with your financial woes. I hope you raise enough, so that you can stop worrying about money and focus on healing. Paul God bless from Julie in the uk 🇬🇧 xx🥰




Christine Wickliff

I know it's not much but I want to be able to help in a little way. I know how hard it is to ask but there are lots of us willing to help, even i's it's not much. Praying for your recovery. Chris


Jillian Mills

Sending healing hugs ❤️❤️❤️




Kerri Hastings

I wish I could have done more for you. Paul and Caroline, but I hope this helps at least ❤️


Norwegian Student

Have followed you along the journey, such a fighter! I wish the both of you the best of luck.


Anne Stanley

Paul and Caroline, so much love from Ireland, please leave this up, can send more next week xx


Shonda Powers

Paul & Caroline, you are lovely people who are loved by so many. Thank you for the positive impact you are making in this world. One day at a time ❤️ Sending you much love from Texas.


Philip Scalamogna

Keeping a good thought for you, Paul! You are in my prayers.



The biggest fish swims slowly. Just keep moving. Curtis Perth




Breanne Rozander


Kristyn Bova

Dearest Paul, You, sir, are an Amazing, Inspiring man! Fighting the scurge of cancer is hard enough without financial worry. You are loved & cherished. Blessings, Kristyn Bova San Antonio,Texas USA


Don Moran

good luck mate Don & Caroline


Tracy Pettit

You have helped many people by bravely sharing your journey. I wish nothing but the best for you Paul💕


James Shackell

All the best Paul, from the UK!


Desmond Goh

Hi Paul, you are a lovely, genuine, kind, strong soul, and you help to inspire many people. Stay strong and I hope you and everyone and myself find strength and hope to push through our struggles!



You’re not alone


Diane Temperley

I so wish that I could do more to help you Paul, but at least this way, I am helping in a practical but loving way xxx


Shirley Luckhurst

Hi Paul and Caroline, I hope all is going well, I’m sorry this isn’t much but I work part time as a nurse due to health but I hope this little helps love Shirley


Anthony Michael


Jacob Broeders


Hilary Wallace

Very happy to donate, Paul. I am glad you asked us x


Matthew Van Grinsven


Sherry Carlstrom

Praying for you. I have been following your journey for quite a while now. What amazes me is your strength and courage through all of this. Big hugs and here is a small token of love and support.






Tracey Walford

Sending lots of love x


Tracey Walford


Camille H

My prayer is that you improve daily and in 10 years you continue to post updates.


Aapo Korhonen



Sending much love to both of you.








Jeff Ryan

Best of Luck to you both, thank you for sharing your journey Paul. This takes tremendous strength and you should know it really makes a difference for people like me.


Rabea Scholz


Amanda O



Hi Paul. I am a member of your care team from the United States. Happy to help you. I will be keeping a good thought for you and Caroline.



Hi Paul. I am a member of your care team from the United States. Happy to help you. I will be keeping a good thought for you and Caroline.


Kathy Poartfleet

We are all with you Paul!


Barbara Shaw

Gods angels watch over you Paul. Praying you will make a full recovery soon. Many people love you and Caroline too ! Barbara and family


Michele Josemans

Hugs to you, Paul


Suzanne Hendricks-celuch

Wishing you comfort and healing


Lisa Player

Hang in Paul!!! We love you!!! Prayers coming your way!!!! Lisa from South Carolina US


Brandon Kenna

We're behind you Paul, hang tough! From all of us here in Denver, Colorado, USA.





Best wishes and loving prayers


Ellis Johnston


Ellis Johnston


Tom Craig




Pauline Price

Stay strong Paul, we're all fighting this with you ! Caroline you're a real Gem !



Thank you Paul and Caroline for your contribution to pushing the boundaries of treatment - we will all benefit from this - love and wishes -Hennagal




Janet Wardell

Sending Love & light xxx Bunny


Alan Kong


Wout Post

We got this Paul💪 Stay strong and as hard as it is, try to not look at all the negatives cancer brings. It will only make life more sad. Do what you can do


Anne Johnson






Blake Landis

Stay strong Paul! You are the bravest and toughest dude I know! Big love from the U.S.!


Christine Smith


Jane Nicholas

No worries mate. End of discussion x



Stay strong and sending positive vibes to you



Get completely well very soon, Paul! Xx


James Nash



Be strong Paul! Better times are ahead for you. God has gotten you this far for a reason, which has not been revealed as of yet.




Andrew Thomson


Mary Furey

Paul and carblind. Happy to help all the best to you. Mary your pal in the USA. Hugs. T o





God speed from a fellow cancer patient in Pennsylvania USA!


Andrew Austin

One day at a time mate! Sending love all the the way from NY. Happy I can help, we all need it from time to time.


Andrew Godenzi

One day at a time mate! Sending love all the way from NY. Happy I can help, we all need it from time to time. Take care and get well soon.


Judith Greenberg




Joanne Robey



David Pochyba

Keep fighting Paul.


Seth Mazzei

You got this Paul - Keep going my friend.


Laurel Meyer






Danny Chan

Get well soon! Wishing you all the best in your fight against cancer!



Dearest Paul and Carolyn, we are all just walking each other home. Hope this helps much love


Karen Tartamella

I wish it was more but I was just laid off and my husband is on dialysis but you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Karen from Houston, TX







Your videos about Mazda 3 helped me a lot and I'm glad that I can at least support you this way. Stay strong and all the best. Greetings from Czech Republic



Best wishes to you and Caroline, Paul!




Carl Taylor

Hope everything works out Paul - stay strong


Uleke Hoogeveen


James Giudice


Amy Sutherland

Love and good thoughts from Amy in Arkansas!



Stay strong Paul! Sending love from Canada


Kellyn Rein

Hope this helps ease your worries!






Peter Cooper

You have no idea who I am but I've been following your journey as well as your older videos and you've given so much of yourself to your viewers. You're a star.




Rhonda Wright

For a wonderful man! Keep up the good fight Paul.


Rhonda Wright

For a wonderful man. Love from U.S.A



It is so good to see you again in person Paul! (Thank you Caroline for all your updates). Sending love from Germany to both of you. Stay strong.


Karen Fitzpatrick

Retired RN with multiple health issues below the poverty level. Sorry can only give $10 USD a drop in your $$$ bucket. I'll try to add another every month! Love from Vermont USA ❤



Paul, you are loved! Thank you for reaching out to us.





With love from Holland


Lucille Eidse

I am happy to make a donation for you Paul, praying for continued healing so you can go home and enjoy life.




Catherine Harris

It's an honor to help you, friends 🧡


Leslie Greiff

I am glad I can help you Paul. I have been following you for quite some time. You are both quite wonderful people. God bless.


Loretta Bridges

Hi Paul. I’ve been following your story for as long as you’ve been on YouTube. I feel very emotional toward you. You have been through one heck of a journey. I hope now you will improve.


William Snyder

You are both in my prayers. I hope this helps with your expenses.


Janneke Kwantes-barki

dear Paul...strong warrior.You are an example .We wish you only blessings in your long journey so far.I watch your channel from Holland.Love Yanniek.


Nadyne Ingrassia

Love you Paul and Caroline!


Miri Franzel Fairchild

With love from Miri


Miri Fairchild

Hold on tight


Patricia Gani

Paul from Perth - Wishing you all the very best. You are a delightful and inspiring person.


Pamela Telis

We are all rooting for you!!


Hege Granøe


Edward Winterbottom






Austin Gardner

Hang in there Paul you're a fighter!






Chrissy Greig









Nathan Worsley

Easiest donation I ever made - love you!


Caitlin Purcell

Sending you both love and strength




Rob Henderson

Best wishes Paul hope you see some improvement soon.



Praying for you Paul


Joshua Webber


Rachel Stephens

Happy to help!




Sean Chang

We got you, Paul! Always by your side from here in the states.


Willemien Westerveld

Sending you some love, strength and light Paul and Caroline💫💖🤗🙏🏼. Big hug from Willemien


Rebecca H

Hi Paul, I’ve been following your journey since the beginning and ridden the emotional ups and downs with you. Wishing you all the best from Melbourne. You are not alone. Rebecca xxx



I haven’t got much to share but a night in the accommodation on me. Best wishes to you both.


Ruth Burgos

My hopes for you is to get well and feel much better!!! Take Care Ruth


Andrew Nelke

Keep fighting!




Carly Capko

You’re in inspiration, Paul. You, too, Caroline. Sending love to you both


Willemien Westerveld

Big hug and good vibes from Willemien💖🙏🏼🤗




Bethany Ferguson

Wishing you all the best on you recovery journey. I wish I could give more but I'm moving countries currently and it's expensive


Svenja Lange


Svenja Lange


Matthew Russo

Stay strong Paul. Thinking of you And Caroline.


Matthew Russo

Stay strong Paul. Positive thoughts and prayers for you and Caroline.




Tami Ewert

❤️ from 🇨🇦


Judith Schoorlemmer

Wishing you all the best from the Netherlands!


Andrea Ezer

Much love


Natalie Warnick

Sending hugs and another day at BH from Brizzy


Sandra Gunning


Genna Collings

Supporting you Paul and Caroline. Sending lots of love from across the Tasman in New Zealand.


Beliz Erciyes



Rachel Dodgson

Dear paul I'm following your journey and praying for you. I an a Christian and praying you will find the love and hope of christ for yourself. God bless you x




Christoph Buchs

I am a musician and this is the fee I got for playing at my friend's wedding. I usually do that for free, but he insisted. So I donate it and I am happy to help you. Best wishes from switzerland.


Kaziah Fleming

We’ll all do our best to help you Paul…. Don’t worry, hugs from Yorkshire UK.


Matt Hanson

I've been having a rough time, but you've manage to touch my hardened heart and help me smile more than once the last year plus. I hope this helps make things a bit easier for you and Caroline.


Tina Mcmanaway

Hi Paul and Carolyn 😊 Thinking of you both 💗💗


Matt Hanson

I've been having a rough time, but you've manage to touch my hardened heart and make me smile more than once in the last year plus. I hope this helps makes things easier for you and Caroline.



Hi Paul, I’m thinking of you and Caroline. Best wishes


Lash Himes

I hope you’re feeling better soon, Paul. Carolyn, you’re a truly caring person. Thank you. I hope you both get to go home soon. Much love from Oakland, California 💜



I don't have much money, but I have a lot of love for you and Caroline. Thank you for being able to symbolically show that.


Tomy Kosac


Douglas Marti


Carol P




Fiore Muraca


Angus S

All the very best Paul.


Helen Orchard

Sent with a hug x




Melisande Nussbaum



All the best for you, Paul! Greetings from Germany


Samara Harris

Wishing you a speedy recovery



Stay strong 💪🏼 xx


Naomi Purdy

All love to you both.


Lynn Duckworth

Love from Manc land I’m an oap so can only manage £20 you’ve got this Paul and thanks to Caroline for the updates many hugs to you both ❤️





Craig Eastman

Love you Paul. I’m so proud of you. Your courage, strength and resilience is amazing. Love Craig


Charlen Ott

Wishing you and Caroline all the best.




Christine Keen


Linda Chitarra

You gave me information which changed my life Paul. It's my pleasure to help in a small way.



Sending love from California, USA.


Lorraine Kretzmann

A little bit of help. Love to you and Caroline xx


Carolyn Pearce

Paul - glad you are getting better and hope you get to go home soon!


Kathryn Bole

I can't spare much, but you two have been in such a bad place. Wishing you both much love. Kat and the owls UK


Diane Jaffe

My husband is now being treated for pancreatic cancer and on his behalf I am making this donation. I have been watching your journey for awhile now and sending you and Caroline our prayers.




Daniela Felske

Much love to you and Caroline.




Regina Grimm




Penny Maroulis



Hope you are feeling better and can heal quickly. Greetings from California.


Sandra Gallo

Wishing you the best! Ohio here.



May your strength and wisdom guide you



I appreciate the inspiration, Paul and Caroline... you are both very special and send prayers and wishes for the best of luck...


Rebecca Bascos

Hello Paul and Caroline from Las Vegas, Nevada , wishing you both all the best




Sharon Scollard

Wish it were more! Thinking of you and wishing the best!


Shaun Thomas





Paul, you are an inspiration. I hope you recover soon! all the best!


Elizabeth Sullins

Much love to you and Cazzie ♥️


Dianne Frazer




Jen Celotta

I’m so impressed with you, Paul and can’t imagine a better supporter than Caroline.


Linda Levinus

Following your journey on Youtube from New Hampshire, USA. Please accept this donation and I hope it helps, combined with the gifts of your other supporters, will bring you and Caroline some peace. ♡



Get well soon..





Carry on Paul, you'll get out of this! You are a source of inspiration!


Ephraim Bulow



Paul I hope this helps you and Caroline Your friend Cathie from Perth




Carolyn Clark

Proud to be part of Paul’s Worldwide Care Team! We are with you all the way, fellow warrior. Much love to you and Caroline!




Elizabeth Newbury

Hang in there Paul! ~ Liz


Angela D'ottavio


Elizabeth Newbury

Hang in there Paul! ~~ Liz


Genevieve Mccardell

Paul, you have me praying for you in Columbia Maryland USA. Wish I could do more. ~Genevieve McCardell


Andrei Vlad

Greetings from Germany!






Matthew M

Paul and Caroline, your perseverance and friendship have been very inspiring, thank you for sharing it with all of us, you're putting so much positivity and good energy out into the world.



I am happy to help and sending you, your family and your loved ones a lot of love, big hugs and all the best! M.A.


Finn Holsetstuen

Wishing you the best, Paul. Beat this thing!


Marc Laytar

Paul and Caroline, not sure how or why we ever got connected through YouTube, but at this point I don’t want the story to end. Your friendship is incredibly uplifting in these times. Love from USA


Marty Woods

Get well fast Paul, take care fella.


Trudy Mancuso



Dear Paul, I wish you health, peace and happiness. I hope you find comfort in knowing how much people care and are rooting for you. Best wishes Bronwyn




Cam Parsonson

My friend in NZ also has Pseudo. Keep up the battle!






Chris Debenedetto

Paul, Get well soon.


Anne H


Sandra Latoni

Hope you keep recuperating. Praying for you and Carline




Jennifer Dyer

Hi Paul all the best from Cairns


Maria Molnar

Get better soon!


Claudia V

I wish you a speedy recovery 🙏.


Cathy Rasmussen




Janice Hawkins


Mary Brewer



Praying for you every day, Paul. May God bless you, may He keep you, may His face shine on you and bring you peace.




Angela Farley


Ingrid Stockton


Michael Berryman

Sending positive vibes to you and Caroline.


Keith Brown

Have been silently following your story on YouTube for the last year or more, and just watched the 11/9 video. Wishing you power and strength to get through your current struggles.


Maria S20

God bless


Luke Osborne

Thinking of you Paul, wishing for your recovery!





Hoping you will raise the amount required. Not easy with staying away from home. Thanks Caroline for ever supporting Paul






Dianne Jewell

I am not struggling like so many people are. Please accept my donation with my good wishes


Daniel Cutajar

Thinking of you Paul. This too shall pass.


Tanya Wolfe

All strength to you Paul and Caroline.


Willian Hasse




Valerie Z.

With love from Northern California.


Elizabeth Stopa

Paul, I’ve watched all of your videos and love both you and Caroline. I want to help more so very badly but $25 is all I can manage. Wishing you both well especially you Paul. ♥️♥️


Deb Jenner


John Miles


Michael Rodrigues

Good luck Paul.


Michael Rodrigues

Good luck Paul.


Misty Pebworth


Bruce Kerl

Love you Mate!


Renee Howard


Miquelle Jones

So many positive vibes for you!


Jason Jones

hang in there mate!




Kate Richardson

Much love and prayers to both you and Caroline!




Jeannie Nichoson

With lots of love! Hang in there mate; it's not just a village caring about you, you've captured hearts from all over the world. Jeannie (from Melbourne) xxx




Tammy Jetty-bedard




Anastasia Watson

Thank you for sharing your journey with us Paul. Its not much but I hope it helps 🙂


Alexis Rupert

You are an inspiration, Paul. I'll continue to pray for you as you heal. I'm thinking of you here in New York state.




Bryan Tobar

You've got this Paul!


John Blue


Brenda Michel

Best wishes from California. Hope you feel better soon, Paul!


Bryan Tobar

You've got this Paul!! We are rooting for you mate!



Hang on and take only one day at the time…



Healing vibes from New Zealand


Stephanie Ditri

Sending you and Caroline so much love and healing x


Arja Smith

Wishing you all the best 👍


Donna Wolff

Been following you for awhile. Lots of meta to you and Caroline.


Mary Flannery Bolger

For Paul & Caroline. Lots of love from Canada


Francine Milano

We love you Paul! I hope you are able to better focus on your recovery rather than having to worry about finances.


Karen Kane

Wish I could give more but I hope this helps?


Lettie Kirk

Sending love and prayers


Lydia Merrill

We are praying for your quick recovery…and your return to your home soon.


L Zalma

Chin up Paul!! Sending love from Los Angeles.


Warren Deatherage

It's not much but you are in my prayers look to God


Lori Vierra


Louetta Huddleson

It’s not much Paul and Caroline but every little bit should help some. Sending prayers, lots of warm hugs and tons of love.


Lawrence Kiley

Stay strong and sending love and prayers.


Nancy Baker

Love and prayers!!


Thomas Pieprzyk

Love ya mate, x hang in there. Tom


Linda Hawkins


Amy Gillard

Sending love



I'm sorry I don't have much money but I am sending my love from the UK. The lavender lady. xx


Igor Widlinski


Kathryn Thorne

May the Lord provide the strength you need to win this battle. God bless you & Caroline as you travel this difficult journey together


Deborah Finch-murphy

You two are my heros. Sending love.


Gail Brandon


Matthew Inks






Lora Reeves


Amanda Nichols

Don't worry. You have enough to worry about. Sending my love.


Edward Vaczy

I just hit my 5 year anniversary of being diagnosed with Stage 3C rectal cancer. Here’s a small donation for you and Caroline. You’re doing an amazing job fighting your nemesis. Good luck from NY!!


Katherine Chipman


Daniel K

Your spirits and drive to educate others on your experience at a very low level despite the extreme physical and mental challenges you are facing is courageous and inspiring. We appreciate you!


Karen Horjus

I hope you're able to go home soon. Love to you, Paul, and to Caroline.



Sending you love from California, USA!


Orna Kenan

To two beautiful souls with love from Los Angeles❤️


Daniel K

Your spirits and drive to educate others and share your experience at a low level despite the extreme mental and physical challenges you are facing is courageous and inspiring. We all appreciate you!


Francine Davis

God Bless you, Paul. I love you and want to help from West Palm Beach, Florida. Please know you are loved worldwide. I watch your YouTube channel. Fran Davis-WPB, FL USA





I forgot about the exchange rate. Here's a bit more. KarenH


Michel Salomon


Joanne Mates

Sending you both so much love, strength, healing and peace, from Country Victoria. Australia. Jo. Xx


Daniel Pizana

Get well Paul. As a survivor of cancer myself and working in medicine I understand the struggle. Love and well wishes from San Antonio,Texas


Mary Ristow-dey

Love you both.❤️ Sending you hugs and prayers.


Michel Salomon


David Sudikoff



Strength and love to you, Paul and Caroline. Sending lots of well wishes from Minnesota, USA.💕🙂


Shalana Millard

Blessings to you, Paul.


Lynne A Spryszak


Leslie Brown




Thomas Pieprzyk

Keep pushing forward, you got this




Marcus Valdes

I know it's not much, but I've got a niece that's just crashed her motorcycle and she needs help to. Hopefully this small amount will be matched by many others and make a difference.



Wishing you great health and happiness



Dear Paul, I am a cancer researcher at UCSF. When I work with patients I don't often get to see the struggles they go through outside the hospital. Thank you for your insights. love from SanFran.



Hi Paul. Your YouTube channel has provided me with many hours of viewing, so this isn't really charity but rather payment.



Hope I’m doing this right 🙃 not much ability with computers 😳



We love you, Paul, from USA.


Claire Dudley

Just a little something to help, hope you get to have man adventures and travels in the near future :) From Claire in England.


Rob Wakefield


Thomas Geurts


Matthew Loveday

Hi Paul…. Greetings from the UK! I’ve been following you throughout most of your journey so far…. You have been brave in dealing with this nightmare. A little something to show my support :-) Matt


Sian Price

I’m sorry I couldn’t donate more Paul but I only live off my Disability Support Pension. I hope you are getting this also or have applied for it. Love, light and prayers from Sydney, Australia xxxx


Liam Payne

Been following your story for almost 8 months now. I am continually in awe of your unmoving, and inspirational resolve, and the vulnerability you show on camera. You hit a soft spot in me.


Sándor Kertész




Pamela Telis

Paul, I feel that some special purpose is waiting for you during this 'bonus' time of your life. I hope you will find it and can use your talents for some unexpected good.


Sharon Zapata



1 of 4 Hi Paul, I just saw your post about taking a break from YouTube, due to comments, I immediately felt badly, for I was the one who encouraged you to mentor others. Please see 2 thru 4


Edward Hurley

1 of 4 Hi Paul, I just saw your post about taking a break from YouTube, due to comments, I immediately felt badly, for I was the one who encouraged you to mentor others. Please see 2 thru 4


Edward Hurley

2 of 3 ...Paul can I assure you that my suggestion to you was well-intentioned... having over 22k subscribers you could put forth A LOT of help to those in need... matter of fact... please see 3 &


Edward Hurley

2 of 4 ...Paul can I assure you that my suggestion to you was well-intentioned... having over 22k subscribers you could put forth A LOT of help to those in need... matter of fact... please see 3 &


Edward Hurley

3 of 4 by focusing heavily on cancer treatments/support services advocacy, I could easily see you get to well OVER 100k subscribers... you come across VERY intelligently AND trustworthy... see # 4


Edward Hurley

#4... others need your insight Paul... I AM DEEPLY SORRY if my post was misunderstood... you are a warrior Paul, and fought back to better health! I can EASILY see U exceed the 10 year mark! Cheers🙏


Amie Colbert

Hi Paul! Thank you for sharing your journey, your experience and for opening your heart. You've fought hard & I hope you have the headspace & health to take a break from the fight & just live x


Blake W Graham


Paul Crawshaw

Keep fighting the fight old friend, hopefully some of the financial burden is now relieved allowing you to focus on the important stuff. Sending love and positivity, from Rach and me. xxx



Hi Paul. I'm sending you support from Singapore. I hope you can continue to do the things you love whenever you can. Wish you all the best!



Hi Paul, I think you are a very brave and strong man. I wish you well and hopefully you will always find peace on your journey.Best wishes.


Emily Wolff


Emily Wolff








Randy Misa


Linda Adams

We are with you, Paul and Caroline! Sending a big hug and healing energy from NYC!


Gina Speckman


Theresa Silva


Laurie Mangham

Praying for a full recovery.


Jessica Mcdonald

Paul, you are so loved. We are here with you from Canada.



Sending love to you Paul....praying for you and Caroline. ❤️




Megan Page


Willow Ravenswood

Sending healing thoughts <3


Joseph Markey

Take care Paul and Caroline. You got this! Love Joseph xx


Joseph Markey



We love you lots Paul, sending you healing and love!


Susan Engel

Love to you both Caroline and Paul! Love, from Sue in NJ in the US




Marie Kerr-francis

Not much, but I so feel for you and love you both. Best of health from Spokane, WA, USA!!! Xoxoxox


Patrick Jose

God bless the two of you!


Lauren Taylor

Hang in there. you two!


Richatd Abraham

You will get better. We are with you through this journey sir.


Jenny Keller

Paul, keep your spirits up. We are all rooting for you.


Angela Joy

Feel our love Paul and Caroline 💖💗💖


Donna Gamble

Love you both!


Sandra Curry

Good luck. This is one day’s accommodation for you and Caroline. Wish I could help more. Sandra - Rotorua New Zealand


Stephanie Catron

Keep positive! It’ll get better every day. Thinking of both of you from Montana!


April Pouchie

Wish I had more.




Hamish Meikle



I hope your financial worries and burdens are eased over the coming months. May the good Lord bless you during your continued recovery period - and beyond. Kathy from USA - New Jersey


Grace Wang

Dear Paul, know that we're with you every step of the way :)


Helmut Bentsche

All the best for you, Paul!


Dior Rybak

This is a small help. I think of you often, may you have strength to face your trials. Your genuine expressions throughout your cancer journey are heart wrenching and eye opening. Thank you Paul


Martins Rozenbergs

Let's recover soon


Martins Rozenbergs

Great, you made it. Now on to the next challenge to become healthy and strong.


Michele Oconnell

All the best . We all need help don’t feel bad about it.


Kaziah Fleming

With Love and hugs xx



Paul, stay strong and always know we have your back. Good vibes from California.USA


Poulain Frisk

You are an inspiration and you will feel better in spirit if you allow yourself to ask for the help needed. With love and hugs from Sweden.


Jayme Eiker

Paul, your genuineness and story are inspiring. An absolute honor to be able to give to you.




Beverly Johnson

I'm glad to help out. We all need help sometimes.


Paula Lorimer

Sending this small donation with love from Paula in Manchester UK - never be embarrassed to ask for help - it’s so evident that you need support and deserve support xx




Carey Lewis

Sending you blessings of better health and a long life from NC, USA.


Susan Fisher

All the best to you Paul. You have experienced so much pain and anxiety. I hope this helps.


Tanja Krystkowiak


Julie M

Sending love and hugs Paul.


Mary Reeves

We are here for you. Love mary




Susan Mccoy

Wishing you the best! You're a kind and caring man that deserves help.



sending lots of love from Baltimore, MD, USA. You are in the thoughts of me and my family.


Charlene Hynes


Kathryn Wilson

Sending you love from the U.S. ❤️





Been there Paul, good luck to u.



Thinking about you Paul, from Spokane, WA, USA! Love you and wish you the absolute best.


Ralph Bishop


M Balestra


Jeanie Maher

Always cheering for you, Paul!


Joanne Robey

Rooting for you Paul ! Love , Jo from Ireland x


Christine Wilson

From one survivor to another, it’s okay if this is the hardest part so far. 🫂


Dawn Spruill




Virginia Watts


Donald Walls

I’m a kidney cancer survivor and my partner of many years is battling esophageal cancer. In the hospital right now with complications possibly from key truda. I’m donating in his name, Ronald Hodges.


Carolyn Tompkins

Love you Paul ❤️


Sean Chang

I’ve been watching your journey for quite some time, Paul. Best wishes from Los Angeles, California. Sean Chang


Laura Vasse

Paul, I hope even this little bit helps. My dad has cancer as well and you remind me of him by both being so brave and gracious during this time. Keep it up!


Torrie Kauffman

Cheering you on from Colorado, USA!!


Kristine Ermel

please enjoy this second chance at life Paul, prays up@ Kristine Scarpetti Ermel


Susan Engel

Love to you Paul! Love from NJ in the US





Hello Paul you are a sweet and kind person wishing all the best to you thank you for sharing your story greetings from Las Vegas Nevada USA


John Miles

Give your Dockers a good cheer!


Alexis Rupert

You are in my prayers, Paul. You are courageous and strong.


Troy Petry


Sheryl Bowen

Hi Paul, sorry this isn’t much, but every little helps. I’m in awe of how brave you’ve been on your Cancer journey. Stay strong. Best wishes, Sheryl from the UK x





Don’t be sad we got you. You are such an amazing person and have learned so many things from you (my bday twin X 2) twin X 1 is filled with my sister and identical twin. 💕


Donna Lavers

Paul, I’m sending good vibes for you. Please don’t be afraid to ask for help. Anxiety you do not need at this point. Love you bunches. ❤️


Cathy Rasmussen

Hi Paul, I'm glad you asked for help. Stay strong.


Eva Nichols

Stay positive Paul, make the most of each day. Sending hugs and love, Eva in Truckee, California



Dear Paul, it is an honour to help you. ❤️❤️❤️


Amy Robertson


James Robinson

Paul I hope this helps, you have given so much to the community by sharing your experience.


Ayera Technologies, Inc.

Been following you for a sir are an inspiration!


Seth Mazzei

Paul, you got this buddy!


Sandy Mercer

Sending love from Canada


Pearl De La Torre

Dear Paul I'm a 50 year old GenXer. Your Journey has given me much strength to keep going along in my path 1 day at a time, in this life. I wish you many years ahead & hugesuccess in your next chapter


Seth Mazzei

Paul, you got this buddy.



Keep fighting Paul. Rooting for you.




Jennifer Ribas

Sending love and care from Texas!





Truly wishing you the best, Paul. Your video journey has touched so many of us.






Linda Gentile

Huge Hugs & Blessings Paul... GBY Dear Friend with Continued Recovery... In JESUS PRECIOUS & HOLY NAME I PRAY... AMEN



Best wishes mate.


Lisa Potsic

Never be embarrassed to ask for what you need. You are an inspiration.



My name is Vince J. We worked together in Gnangara in the early/late 90's. I have been following you for 6+months. Sending you a virtual hug mate, as you have shared your most personal struggle.


Nadyne Ingrassia

Thinking of you Paul!




Andrew Godenzi

Howdy from upstate New York mate!! Keep up the good fight, we all need help sometimes. Cheers!!!


Kristine Celestin

Dear Paul, my husband is going through pancreatic cancer battle and he just had surgery last week, I know that it is tough, but hang in there….there is no alternative just think that we are all behind




Ning Yuan Shen


Jennifer Smith

Praying for you….


Narelle Wilson

Love, light, magic and prayers go with this to you Paul. May it make the best kind of difference to your future. xXx






Jordan Smith



Trust Jesus. He always provides.


Julie Sammon

Wishing you well Paul and hoping you experience good feelings as a result of reaching out for a bit of support.




John Nagy

Paul, please don't be ashamed, we're all in this together! I will keep you in my prayers.


Alexandra Felber

Best wishes from Switzerland😘





Love from Luxembourg


Alexandra Felber

Greetings from Switzerland 😘


Adam Markert

Sending care from a fellow anxious IT/gearhead in the States.




Rick & Debs Whitehead

This is Rick & Debs in N Idaho USA. Debs son (her only child) has two forms of rare cancer and is on palliative care. We are and have been praying for you. Grab hold of your brown bunny. Love You!


Loredana Sordo

Paul, remember we're helping EACH OTHER. Thanks for giving of yourself. I'm grieving my mamma who passed 1 yr ago today from lung cancer. She would've helped... and made you meatballs. xoxo Loredana




Kim Sisneros

Good Luck to you Paul! I know it’s tough but you’re doing the right thing for you. I’m happy to help!




Lisa Wild

Sending lots of love Paul


Robert Yates

Sending good energy vibes and a virtual hug.


Lisa Wild

Sending lots of love and best wishes Paul xx



Been silently following your journey from out in Canada. You are so very loved. Thanks for your courage, your openness, and for reaching out to us for help. God bless you my friend.


Justin Devaney

Paul you’re class.


Alan Millbrow

Stay strong my man. Shining light on your journey is a service to the world. All the best my friend, Alan.


Nancy Shaller

Please never be embarrassed to ask for help, I'm sure you would do the same for anyone else. Try and enjoy every day you are given.



Thanks for sharing your story Paul. You're an inspiration



Wishing you all the best!


Roseanne Soliz

Hang in there, mate! We are all rooting for you! Prayers from America. Rose & my Paul (Aussie too). xoxo




Petran Turnbull

You deserve all the help you are getting for your unselfishness




Elizabeth Sullins

Much love- always ♥️


Licet Zalma

Sending love from Los Angeles!


Licet Zalma

Sending you love from Los Angeles!


Sara Funke


Rhonda Gage

Godspeed Paul ,from Chattanooga, tn .


Danielle Levine

I hope this helps!


Linda Becker

We’ve got your back Paul!


Arja Smith

Happy to help you! All the best from Venice, Italy


Sheila Thailand

Happy to help!


Sheila Hatswell


Sheila Hatswell


Catherine Harris

Hang in there, Paul! Love from southern Illinois US. Catherine (purple hippo)


Jane Nicholas



I wish you well Paul!


Lishelle Nastro

I'm happy to be able to help in some way, Paul. Best wishes!


Petra Langenberg

Sending love from Germany. The video of you feeding the elephant had caught my eye and I’ve followed your journey ever since (including your car repair videos although I don’t drive).




Anders Gustafsson



Happy to help Paul!! Lots of love and wishes for good health for years to come from California


Stephanie Newton

I get it being embarrassing for you but we understand.



Paul, all the best.


Marion Merrett

Paul, I hope this helps, thinking of you, you are an inspiration and have made me appreciate what I have in life Mazzy from UK


Remizovschi Anatolie




Caryn Hamrin


Kathie Crowley


Mary P Jones

No worries Paul! This is what (YouTube) friends are for!


Rhonda Schrader

I love you Paul. Take care friend, Rhonda from Minnesota USA


Suzanne S

Take care Paul x


Denice Pettit

Just a little something to help!


Linda Mahnken

It's not a lot of money, but hope this helps.





<3 ... your story has touched my life. Sending you love and prayers for healing, comfort and miracles.






Stephanie Catron

Keep smiling Paul. You are loved. All the way from Montana USA



Look up Jon Kabat-Zinn who started his amazing journey looking after individuals with constant pain in the US in the 70’s.


Mandy Burgess

I hope this helps a little, Moppy 6 x


Jenn A


Julianne Moyer


Julianne Moyer


Kubı Sims


Julianne Moyer


Monica Ricco


Alison Wight

Happy to lend a hand to help ease your financial anxiety. Thank you for sharing your story. So relieved that you made it through that challenging ordeal. Sending love and gratitude.☀️🌺💕



Your followers love you. Don't hesitate to remind listeners about the page. As people get paid monthly they may be able to make additional donations. Please don't feel bad about asking for help.


Judith Richards


Susan Sorensen

Keep kicking cancer’s butt, my friend. Blessings from the Florida Keys!


Matthew Simmons

God bless you Paul. My family and I have been following you and your journey, and we look forward to many more years enjoying your videos! Praying for you mate, congrats on the good scan news!


Martin Minor

Greetings from San Diego, California,USA. Best wishes and prayers to you Paul


Nan Delphia

Keep fighting the hood fight Paul!


Katherine Healey

Thank you for sharing your journey. The great news is your going to live for years to come!!


Nan Delphia

Keep fighting the good fight💕


Sherrie Grothe



Wishing you many good years and happy to be able to donate to help you


Glenda Reed

Stay strong Paul, 💪 sometimes in life we have to accept help from others. Keep laughing. Good for the soul.


Gabriel Kelly


Mark Min Hee Cho

We are cheering for you Paul in Seoul Korea. Hang on and keep on fighting my friend. Cheers, Mark Cho


Angela Joy

This comes with my love Paul 🩷



God Bless



God Bless




Ella Johnson

Paul it's a pleasure to support you in any way that I can. Humans helping humans is what we're here for. All the best x


Sherry Cramer


Brandon Recker



Paul, happy to donate to make your every day a little easier. I follow you from the Rock of Gibraltar xx




Rhodri Grove

Paul you tough SOB





Praying for you in your battle here on earth, but also for your eternal soul. Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved”.


Liz Chedumbrum

Hope these donations bring you a little relief from your financial anxieties and allow rest and recuperation from all the other issues. With love from Liz in Wimbledon, UK (the Night Owl!)


Jackie Demoss

Happy to help what I can. I lost my husband of 47 years to cancer in October, so I understand the roller coaster of living with a loved one having cancer. Please be kind to yourself and let us help.






Julie Laliberte

we are with you Paul xxx


Andrea Gemma

Good vibes from Italy!




Andrea Gemma





I will help you Paul!


Andrea Gemma

Sending good vibes from Italy!


Lynne A Spryszak

Paul, hoping that this bit helps.



It's not much but sending blessings to you Paul and your angel Caroline.



It's not much but blessing to you Paul and your angel Caroline.




Lisa Heller

God loves you Paul and so do we!!





God loves you so much Paul and so do we!


Joann Wright

Bless you Paul. Keep on going....


Coralia Da Silva

Following your journey. God Bless you Paul. You have changed the lives of many.


Kenneth Jewell

Good luck Paul, I have been following your journey on you tube.


Laura Mau

Best wishes for a long & happy life.



Praying for you Paul.


Suzanne Marsh

Wishing you all the best.


Danielle Atwood


Christine Adkins

Paul I just made a donation for you. Please don't feel badly about this. These things happen and that's why we are here to help you. Chris from USA! 😀


Nancy Tobias

All the way from Northern California! Hope this helps ❤️


Jennifer Celotta


Nichole Considine

Prayers and love to you Sweetheart…….Little Joes ♥️


Katja Ruppin

Paul, i Hope, that many people can Help with donate. Greetings from Berlin


May Chan

Best of luck Paul. Sending you well wishes!




Daniel Pellegrini

Paul, I watch your videos on YouTube. I pray for you often. I too am battling cancer right now so I have great empathy for you. I hope this donation lifts your spirit! God bless you & keep fighting!


Deb Small

Been watching since the start. Don't be embarrassed. You are my hero! I pray for you constantly.


Prerit Jaiswal

Best of luck Paul!


John Carrigg

Paul, you are loved, you are seen ,you are known, you are worthy and God has great plans for you. Thanks for your warmth , compassion and geniune concern for others .



God bless you, Paul. You are on my prayer list.


Amanda Crees


Marcia Laird

Sending healing hugs as well.


Martin Bureau

Hang on Paul! People near you will never let you down. Don't feel embarrassed (I totally get you! :)), turn the idea around: you're giving us a chance to genuinely help someone! So, Thanks to you! ;)


Paula Kingwell

Paul you have been so good for helping others. It is now your turn to be helped. Bless you.


Mark Nappi

You’ve got this Paul, and we are here to help you!






Allison Ruta

Much love Paul. I've been following your journey since right before your surgery. You are a very brave and kind man. All my love from N.J., USA 🇺🇸 ❤️❤️❤️


Hege Granøe

Paul, your story gave me comfort when I underwent my own cancer journey. Thank you ❤️






Aurora Serleme

A big hug from Athens Greece!!!


Aurora Serleme

A big hug from Athens Greece!!!



We’ve got you, Paul. 🤗❤️🤗 I have been buoyed by your spirit, determination, and wit countless times since you started your YouTube. Thank you for allowing me to repay you in some way.


Tamara Shaner

Sending you love and prayers from Leavenworth Kansas







Dear, dear Paul . . . Thank you for allowing me to repay you in some way for the countless times you’ve buoyed my sagging spirit with your effervescence, determination and wit. We’ve got you. 🤗❤️🤗


Donna Clapp

Sent with sincere desire to help you. Sorry for all you have suffered.






Michelle Ramirez

I wish you well. 💙


Linda Klahn

This gives those who love you and can donate an opportunity to do something to help you! ❤️


Carrie Burke

I sincerely hope my little donation helps in any way it can and that you continue to survive & THRIVE! I only wish I could send more right now but will keep this page so I can again 🥰




Danny Chan


Brendon Cameron

I'm following your journey & admire your courage & tenacity. Your story resonates with me as a 50 year old IT engineer living in Perth, who lost a life long mate to cancer last year. Happy to help!


Tina Chester

Paul I have been folllowing your journey from Washington DC and am honored to help. Best of luck to you!


Paul Eddingham


Kim Dean

You sir, are an inspiration to many. God bless!


James Nash

So Glad to be able to help Paul !


Sandra Gallo

Wishing you the best from Ohio


W Williams

We are here for you Paul…. 💙


Dave Jeffery

Rooting for you Paul.


Liza Wallner

Lots of love from Wisconsin USA. “Tattooed Granny” aka Liza



Hello from Texas! Keeping you in our thoughts.




Andrei Vlad


Christine Robertson

it's not much but wishing you all the best ❤


Vanessa Passmore

All the best Paul x


Karen Ivester

Paul, I’m a YouTube subscriber and have followed you almost from the beginning. I’m so sorry for the journey you’ve received but so impressed with the way you’ve handled it. Love and prayers from USA


Christina Rainbow

Paul, knowing what you have been through. Your strength to fight like you have is inspiring. We all care for you. Keep fighting and don’t give up.



I’m so happy to hear your scan results revealed more precious time. Please enjoy your good days and don’t feel sad for needing to ask for help. We want to help you, simply because you’re loved.


Mark Whitt


Melanie Redfield

It's an honor to be on your team, Paul. We're here for you, & so grateful you're here with us! Thanks for the opportunity to help in some small way.



Best wishes Paul!


Thomas Dark

Best wishes!


Danielle Santos


Stephen Cassidy

All the best mate


James Burian

Surviving cancer myself (Liposarcoma), keep up the fight. Especially the mental battles.


James Burian

Surviving cancer myself (Liposarcoma). Keep up the fight. Especially the mental battles.


Zura Jaden

Paul I’m here for you and I’m very happy about your health!


Lynne Wolters






Laurie Kovak

I know it is hard but it is okay to ask for help. Things happen to us that we never imagined. Wishing you all the best.


Ann Avron

Wishing you plenty of time and joy to fill it




Carol Hart


Jane Rova


Trond Erik Aker




Colette Chiarello

Take care, Paul. Thank you for sharing your journey. Thinking of you.


Therese Ryan

You’re a generous person who is motivated to help others. It’s a privilege to be able to give, Thankyou for asking. Xxx



Paul you're the perfect example of who one hopes will benefit when donating money to a charity like this


Jillian Mills

Best wishes Paul


Andrew Godenzi

Best wishes from upstate New York mate!!! Keep up the good fight, we all need help sometimes cheers!!!


Susan Billian


Niamh Healy

It’s not charity. Happy Easter 🥰


Marilyn Mongan




Ben Smith


Angela Quillen


Scott Saras

Donating from the USA to Paul in Perth. Keep up the fight Paul! You are a good man!


Scott Saras

Donating from the USA to Paul in Perth. Keep up the fight! Paul, you are a good man.



I grew up poor too and I understand how much pride you had to swallow to make this request. What’s happened to you can happen to anyone at anytime. I hope this little bit helps


Lisa Valenti

Happy to help out a top Aussie bloke. Grab your second chance and run with it.


Jenny Caradonna

Sending love from Oregon, USA.


James Giudice


Maureen O'loghlen Kidd

We pray for you often, Paul. Hope this little bit helps. Keep on, keeping on. xx



Just a little hit on the care button from Dongguan....


Francine Milano

You are loved.


Leon V


Sebastian M

We are all here for you.


Jacob Price

Get well soon, Paul!


Saxe Saaby




Karen Horjus

I will try to make regular donations. Never feel bad about asking for help!






Debra Davidson

It makes me happy to be able to donate to you, Paul.


Jeni Locke

Not much but I hope it helps


Tim Blackburn

And just like that, your loyal followers jumped in to lift you up.



I will try to make regular donations. Never feel bad about asking for help!


Debra Lawton

Hope this helps in some small way Paul. Much love to you.


Trudy Mancuso






Kelly Berry




Lisa Carr

Thank you for sharing your life with us!


Conor King

Glad to see that you will be around longer Paul, hopefully this contribution pays for your lunch one day. Your journey so far has been inspiring and thanks for sharing it. All the best from NZ.


Jacq Duncan

Love and healing to you Paul X






Liddell Marsh

You are more than worthy! Best wishes.



Hey Paul, I understand how hard it is to ask for anything, I have this issue myself. You are well loved by your community xxx🌹❤️🐶🐾🍷


Shaun Thomas

Have a pub feed on me.


Leo Villapana

Take care


Barb T

Best wishes, Paul, from a fellow cancer warrior.


Vito Michielli



Best of luck my man, you've taught me a lot.


Guille Monico

We care about you my dear! God bless you!



Praying for your good health, Paul.


Susan Krook

You are an inspiration!


Sandra Latoni

God bless you Paul


Jon Leete

Hi Paul all the best you are an inspiration of resilience. Jon UK


Elizabeth Craig


Angelene Xu


Shelley Flitcroft

Beautiful, brave man, respect to you for your endurance. Better days will come x




Wendy Taker


Sascha Hennies

stay strong Paul




Zack King

Go well Paul


Amanda Mira

You Paul are a true inspiration. Love the raw honesty in your videos. Keeping kicking cancers ass, we are all here cheering you on. Biggest hugs to you x


Ryan Borck


Anna Pratte


Ali Hunter

Keep going Paul, your spirit is amazing!


Helen Orchard

Hello Paul we are all here for you. I will pop some more your way next month . Helen x


Cathy Blount



It's not a lot but I hope it can help in some small way


Bettina Haubert

Lot‘ of love ❤️ Bettina/Germany




Fraser Wingate


Sue Pyrah

Hi Paul, I love your raw honesty and the immense courage you have shown on this journey.Sue NZ


Debbie Jares

Paul, wishing you all the best been with you all along and will continue to be. Bless you. Screen name Pippadot


Amanda O Connor

Good luck Paul


Alison Hammond

Its not much but I really hope it helps just a bit..❤ Ally in Victoria xx


Lauren Anderson

Thinking of you always Paul


Darlene Teslik



I hope this helps you Paul Regards Cathie


Joanne Ruttan

Paul, you have been an inspiration to me and others. I received this money as a gift and now I am passing it along to you. Stay strong and carry on!




Kirstin Stansbury

Go well Paul.





Stay strong


Daniel Osborne

You have been an inspiration to me and many others Paul. Please keep hope in your heart. Sending my love and best wishes.




Terrie Brown


Gabi Mattes

all the best to you from Germany - stay strong


Terrie Brown


Julia May

A drop in the ocean but hopefully all these drops make an ocean! 💜



Nothing wrong with helping each other !



Happy to help you out, Paul. Thank you for documenting your journey, it was very touching and informative. Keep your Light shining brightly! We need you in the world!



Hi Paul. In my religion the number 18 stands for "life". May G-d bless you with life each day. And though I cannot give much, I hope it does help. Warm greetings from Germany.


Kate Ford

Oh Paul. So many people want to help you, and I am one of them. Thank you that we can help in some way. Lots of love to you


Craig Mcneil

I'm on disability, I know how it is brother. Sorry I can't do more.


Richard And Kate Vines

With our very best wishes. Stay strong.


Derry Finkeldey

You’re an inspiration, Paul. God bless you 🌻


Adrian Smith

Love the Maylands photo!


Ashlyn Lucas

I wish we could do more ♥️


Richard Tarrant

Fond memories of our Uni days, motorbiking and camping.


Kaishen T

It's not much but I hope it helps. Thanks for being you, Paul :) Always bringing cheer and smiles to everyone!





Cancer sucks!! You are in my thoughts and prayers!! Keep smiling and keep fighting!




Nathan Zuzic

Good luck! Hope you get support to have lots of adventures and positive years to come.


Georgia Gough

I saw your hopeful smiling face, so thrilled with the chance of extending your life as much as you can, and thought I just had to donate. I am sorry it can't be more. Good luck to you!!!


Stacey Allerton

Love and strength to you Paul.


Stephanie Ryan


Bronwyn White

Wishing you all the very best x