Helping Nicolas Ribbe

By Nicolas Ribbe

Read Nicolas' Story

I have had the privilege of growing up within a small, tight-knit and loving family and have been lucky enough to see many wonders of the world. I’ve been on adventures; climbed mountains; ran marathons; bopped along at music festivals; and met the love of my life.

Throughout the first few years in the corporate world, I worked as hard as I could so my fiancée and I could start the next chapter of our lives together. We were planning on moving interstate from Sydney to Perth; we had secured work there, put a deposit on a house; packed up our two crazy fur babies; all ready for us to start trying for a family. All our hard work had seemingly paid off – that dream was firmly in our grasp, and we could hardly contain our excitement. A few weeks later, on the 21st of October 2021, everything changed.

Our lives were turned upside-down and inside-out, after an initial strong reaction to my COVID vaccination I ended up in the emergency room, where there was a devastating discovery of a large cancerous tumor on my liver. We soon found ourselves sitting with my newly appointed oncologist, who explained that I was diagnosed with advanced fibrolamellar hepatoma – an ultra-rare cancer approximately only 1 in 5 million people have it, with no real treatment protocol, and a very poor prognosis. My tummy sunk when he said I could expect a possible lifespan of between 3 months to 3 years. In that dark moment, I remember thinking that it was exactly 3 months until my 31st birthday, and whether I would live to see it and that it might be the last Christmas with my family.

Completely stunned, Vic (my fiancée) and I sank into darkness listening to all the medical talk, unclear treatment pathways, limited data and the harsh reality of not being able to start a family naturally. The doctors ran several tests and scheduled follow-up appointments, whilst our family provided positive encouragement from Europe, but we really needed them closer to us for emotional and physical support. With the world still firmly in the grip of the global pandemic, we started working to make sure our nearest and dearest, would be able to join us. We wanted to enjoy the little time we had left.

I was due to start systemic treatment at the beginning of November since surgery was not an option. We were recommended to conduct one more PET scan to review the spread of the cancer. I received a heart-stopping phone call the very next morning from my oncologist. Low and behold, some small medical miracle had occurred. My scans, which only 4 weeks prior, had shown what appeared to be metastatic disease, had significantly cleared. All of a sudden, the possibility of surgery was back on the table, which held the promise of a much better prognosis. It is safe to say my doctors were astounded by the scans. For me, it seemed too good to be true.

I had my surgery within a week. My whiz-bang surgeon removed half my liver, visible cancer around it and some enlarged lymph nodes. I am still recovering and in a lot of pain from the surgery and I will require cancer treatment to kill any remaining cells. I think about the fact that despite this good turn of events, fibrolamellar is aggressive and more than likely to recur, with an 80%-100% reoccurrence rate. The data around fibrolamellar is incredibly limited around the world, so I paid to have my tumor flown to America to have various cancer treatments tested on it, to help shape the best next steps for my treatment pathway. 

I know our dream of starting a family in Perth is unlikely and I know my life won’t be the same now, I will require regular scans, cancer treatment and likely more surgery. All of which have harsh side effects on Vic and I’s everyday life, mental wellbeing and financial income. No one knows how much time I have left but I am determined to fight my fibrolamellar, together with Vic, my family and friends, my fantastic medical team and amazing advocates. I want to make every day count, I will pursue medical testing, various treatment options, clinical research and holistic care pathways – whatever it takes.

So here is my plea to you: please give what you can so I can access medicines in Australia, which aren’t readily available and need to be funded by myself as the patient, for my first round of treatment. You may not only be sparing my life but other Australians who will be able to rely on the findings from my treatment regime to help them on their journey.

I will try every method to fight this little-known cancer and maybe even have a positive impact on any Australians who may find themselves on the same dark path. I want to keep loving life, and just maybe, I can help shine a light for all of us with fibrolamellar.

My Updates

An update from Nicolas - January 2023

Thursday 27th Feb

Dear all,

I’ve been reflecting on my cancer journey lately – what it has taken to get here and the so many unknowns of the future. But what I do know is that thanks to so many of you, who have given so generously to my funding page, I have been able to say that my condition is stable.

By stable I mean, I continue to live with cancer, but I continue to live. And even though I continue to live, we are constantly reviewing my treatment regimen and scans, and have lately found out the cancer is continuing to grow, and new small tumours have formed. The key is that it is happening slowly, giving me more time to go back to the drawing board and tweak what we are doing today until we find the right β€œrecipe”.

What I’ve also realised is that cancer - just like any other illness I’m assuming - is extremely expensive. The funding and support I’ve received over the years have helped me to cover the significant out-of-pocket costs for vital healthcare services. The good news - I was lucky enough to be accepted onto a Compassionate Access Scheme for a drug that was not government funded for my condition – the cost of which would have been tens of thousands of dollars. Whilst I do have Compassionate Access to one medication, this is only one drug out of the many that I require to keep the cancer at bay. I would never have known I could get free access to this medicine in this way, if it wasn’t for loved ones who worked in the pharmaceutical sector, and the support of Rare Cancers Australia.

I’m grateful, but it does concern me that not every cancer patient is as fortunate as I am to have these contacts. It is simply unfair that some can more easily navigate the system compared to others due to their networks. I hope to support others to find ways of funding the medication they need or reduce costs in their cancer journey. I have started by sharing the Compassionate Access information with other Fibro patients and supported them on their applications to try and ensure it is as widely available as possible.

That is why I’m so grateful to have had the support of so many generous people over the years and I wanted to take the time to say thank you.

As part of my journey, I’ve been able to connect with the wider Fibro community and have unfortunately watched as many other fighters have passed away. This is an unrelenting and aggressive cancer, which impacts not only the young persons diagnosed but their family and friends.

This has driven me to become a member on the RCA Patient Advisory Board and continue my engagement with Fibro Fighters in the USA. I will continue providing a spotlight on this rare cancer and support Australian patients in their journey. If you or someone you know is diagnosed, please do not hesitate to reach out. The community is always here to support you.

On a personal note, as most of you know, with a cancer diagnosis, life doesn’t stop, and we all try our best to get back to a level of normality. I have been fortunate enough to go back to full-time work. I’ve been able to manage treatment, scans, and appointments with work, which can be challenging but being back in a workplace has been extremely rewarding.

Due to my treatment, Victoria and I cannot conceive naturally. There is no evidence that pregnancy and babies can be impacted through immunotherapy but due to the emerging nature of this medicine, it is strongly advised to avoid conceiving naturally, so we decided to try the IVF journey. After several ups and downs, laughter, and anguish, we are pleased to announce that we are pregnant. Not only that, but we are having twins… identical twins! We are overjoyed and are looking forward to the journey ahead and spending as much time with them as possible.

As I sign off my latest update, I wanted to thank you all again. It is now 1 and a half years after my diagnosis, and I am so thankful for this past year. You all played a huge role in helping me and my family handle this complex and challenging journey. As we continue to venture along this path, I will let you all know how we are progressing and hope to provide updates on how we are changing lives of other Fibro patients for the better.

An update message from Nicolas - July 2022

Thursday 27th Feb

Dear all,Β 

Let me start by simply saying: I cannot thank you enough, I was completely taken aback by the kindness all of you have shown. Your support has given me the opportunity to get the help and medicine I need, without you, my initial worst-case 3-month prognosis may have become a reality.Β 

Since my last post to you all, 7 months ago, it has been a whirlwind of highs and lows, the rollercoaster that comes with a rare form of cancer. Let’s start with the highs…

Vic and I were lucky enough to get married on the 24th of January at a beautiful venue called Redleaf in Wollombi, close to the Hunter Valley wine country. It was Vic’s dream Italian wedding in a very small town in Australia. It was a small event with close family and friends, and we couldn’t have dreamed of a better day. It was filled with love, laughter, nervous vows giving, dad dancing, yummy pizza and pasta, and just a whole lot of fun.Β 

Vic and I deferred our honeymoon, as shortly after the wedding I commenced with a combination of three drugs: chemotherapy, immunotherapy and interferon, known as β€˜Triple Therapy’. This combination of drugs was recommended by the Centre of Excellence for Fibrolamellar Carcinoma (Fibro) at Rush University in Chicago. As you may remember, there is no set treatment protocol for Fibrolamellar, but Rush University has treated the largest population of patients and therefore has the most experience – in addition to our great care team here in Australia, we rely on their expert opinion.

The triple combination aims at targeting and stabilising the remaining visible cancer and preventing further growth. The treatment did exactly that: my CT scans showed the growth of the cancer nodules in my lungs started to slow down and stabilise. The main side effects were tiredness and sensitivity to the sun, which when you live in Australia can be hard to avoid! Vic and my family would cover me up in thick sun block, hats and rashies to make sure I made the most out of the summer (honestly, I think it gave them a good laugh too!).Β 

After 2 months of treatment my body decided otherwise, and I experienced severe toxicity to the drugs. I was rushed into hospital and treatment stopped immediately. The drugs were also unfortunately impacting my thyroid. I was devastated and wasn’t sure if there was a Plan B for this cancer. My local oncologist and Rush University established a collaborative relationship to come up with a Plan B.Β 

In the meantime, I went back in to see my whiz-bang surgeon who arranged for me to have the first-ever lung cryoablation done in one of the biggest hospitals in Sydney. This is where they freeze the cancer nodules and your body slowly breaks down the dead cells and removes the bits left over (clever hey?!). I had two procedures, which both led to a collapsed lung and some severe pain, but we believe we got them all and will continue to monitor via my CT scans. Don’t worry – my lungs are no longer collapsed and functioning normally again.Β 

Plan B was now ready to implement: we decided to continue the immunotherapy and just recently on 1st July, we introduced another drug, Lenvatinib. This combination is called β€˜Magic Mike’, and if it can do half of what Channing Tatum has done for male dancing, then we should be in good hands. We hope my body can tolerate this new combination and it is able to prevent the cancer from further growing and recurring.Β 

All in all, I believe we are in a good position, and I am hoping we can continue this trajectory. Your donations and messages have been fundamental in getting me here, and I can’t even express how much it means to me. Thank you again.Β 

I’ve been lucky and fortunate in my journey with Fibro, but I know there are many that aren’t. Throughout my journey, Rare Cancers Australia, and Fibro Fighters, particularly Tom Stockwell, have connected me to experts in the space and guided me every step of the way. Taking a note out of their book and yours, I have been giving back to the community. First in baby steps, which I hope at some point will lead to giant strides.Β 

To date, I have reached out to Fibro patients in Australia so they can connect with the various organisations I listed above but also to my surgeon, Dr. Oli Fisher, who is knowledgeable on Fibro and is very closed connected with the experts at Rush. I will continue to do so and implore that if you meet someone that may have this cancer or any other rare cancer, please point them in my direction and I will do everything I can so they can receive the best care possible.Β 

As most of you know, I previously worked in consulting and have recently put this hat back on to see if there any improvement opportunities in the identification, diagnosis, and treatment space of rare cancers, particularly Fibro. My concept and ideas are only in the infancy stage, but I am engaging with charitable organisations to understand whether together we can make a difference to persons less fortunate and save lives.Β 

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Edoardo Franca

Sending love, luck and strength from London and congratulations on your wonderful wedding xxx




Charles Webster

Dear Nic, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up the fight. With love Vera, Ken and family.


Marlene And Geoff Brennan

We get progress updates from Dennis and Andrina and are happy the news is positive. Marlene&Geoff


Juri Asakura

Thank you for sharing your story, our thoughts are with you, Roeland, Juri, Kobe & Axel.


Elyse Quinn

Wishing you the best on this journey Nick and Vic Xx Sorry to have missed you at Peachfest..


Alex & Rares Dorca

All the best to you, Nick!


Pip Barrington And Beau

So sorry to hear of your story Nicolas. Sending so much love, strength and positive vibes!


Kate Barrington

Dear Nicolas Sending you special love, hope and prayers and all the best for the future. We are thinking of you so much. Love Kate and Greg Barrington


Markus Pratschke

Good luck Nick, and all the best to you and your family!!



Nick is such an amazing person. So glad to hear he is faring well!


Vikrant Mulgund


The Dog Sessions



Cathy Cotter

Stay strong Nick! Thinking of you & wishing you & Vic all the very best. Love Cathy & Dave xox


Juho Ruusunen

Stay strong Nick!


Alicia Subasinghe

Wishing you all the best in your fight!


Bob Scholten

Stay strong Nick! Much love, Bob & Lucy


Trine Lassen


Lotta Liljelund




Michelle And Clarence Wolff

Sending prayers and wishes….




Familie Ribbe

Wir wünschen Euch beiden all das Glück auf Erden Sabine, Leon und Onki


Familie Ribbe Germany :-)

Wir wünschen Euch beiden alles Glück auf Erden Sabine Leon und Onki


Emily Pollard

Sending you all the love and support x


Harold Cretaigne




Matthew Corkhill

Hang in there mate - thinking of you. Corky & Liv x


Asmita Verma

Thinking of you!


Eu Kit Toh

Stay strong Nick! You’re an inspiration to so many of us. All the very best my friend.




Tyler Wallace

Stay strong Nick and the whole Ribbe family.


Sophia Norrvall






Mark And Angela Ashworth

You both have to believe that everything can be overcome with family and friends behind you!


Steven & Steph Hodgson

Jeez, what a kick in the nuts. Wishing you all the best, Nick.


Jacob Jonker

Nick, sorry to hear of this news. With family and determination, I'm sure you will see this through


Sophie Fila

Sending you love and support guys x


Jodi Cantafio

Big love to you both xx


Julie Searle

Hey Nick and Victoria, so sorry to hear you news. Sending all my love and best wishes, Julie S x


Lara Beesley

Nick, yourself and Vic are truely an inspiration. You’ve got this. Xx


Logan Taylor


Adriana Pereira

No matter how difficult things get for you, you know how to get through the storm together <3


George Mizutani

Hey Nick, stay strong! prayers from our family.


Fabienne & Claudine Leuenberger

Viel Kraft und Zuversicht wünschen dir Fabienne & Claudine Leuenberger


David Wilkinson

Nick - so sorry to hear what you and Vic are going through. Stay strong! All my love from Canada


Eliza Cox

So sorry Nick. Thinking of you and the fam - stay strong!


Greg Cox


Mattia Pradella

Stay strong Nick!


Caroline Depledge

Wishing you the best luck ❀️🐢




Tatiana Malyugina

Sending love and strength to you, Vic and your family xxx Jared, Tatiana and Winston


Catia Davim

Lots of courage


Alexander Mcmillan

Stay strong mate - love Alex and Emily


Rishi Banerjee

You’re an inspiration and always there for you!



My prayers are with you. May you have a wonderful, long future together!



Praying for you, may a wonderful, long, happy cancer free life be your future!


Mark Tarrant



Stay strong and keep fighting!




Andrea & Tobias Weckbecker

Nick, we’re thinking of you in this difficult time and sending you lots of strength.


Robert Da Costa


Tin And Steph Aye And Toft


Giuseppe & Sri Fardella

Thinking of you and supporting you in your journey.


Patrick Rostron

Very sorry to hear Nick. All the best with the journey ahead. You've got this.


Kersten Sharrock


Charles Webster

We hope you had a lovely Wedding . Our love and prayers are with you . Vera , Ken & family.


Benjamin Passmore

Good luck with fighting this pal


Vladislav Nemtsov

Dear Nick, stay strong! I wish you and your whole family lots of health and strength Vlad Nemtsov


Eloise Littlejohns

Thinking of you both and sending courage and strength to you




Alexander Khairallah


Seb Clemens

Very sorry to hear this mate. Wishing you well in this difficult time.


Mette Fogt

Dear Nick, thought I would chip in a bit more. Thinking of you


Ian Macloughlin

Sending all my love and best wishes. Stay strong.


Jacquie Gallon

Dear Nick, we are so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you, from all the Gallons




Isabelle Neumand

Love you dude!


Thomas Walsh


Virginia Oman

Dear Nicolas, thinking of you and wishing that you get all the help you need to get well. Love,V&A.


Nicole Booth

Sending you all my determination vibes! :)


Joy Jermy

sending you all good wishesYour courage in the face of such adversity is humbling. X


Rob Knott

Hoping that you can recover and come over to Perth one day


Marcus Lindberg


Ursula And Georges Martin

Courage Nicolas. What an example you are giving! We pray for you Ursula & Georges Martín


Emma Price


Rebecca Nathwani

Thinking of you and your wonderful family. Keep strong! Love the Nathwani family, Basel


John Mcpartland

Hoping you get some of that medicine that will help you enjoy more life ahead.


John Breakell

Nick - praying for a positive outcome in the weeks and months ahead.



Thinking of you and your family during this time.


Simon Andreas

All the best Nick, sending positive thoughts your way


Paul Scurrah

Hoping this helps Nick. Our thoughts are with you and Vic.


Shuwel Ahmed


David Tame

So sad to hear this Nick but stay strong mate! All the best


Raed Khawashki

Our thought and prayers go to Nicolas . Stay strong


Juliet Andrews


Freya Kendall

So sorry to hear this Nick but great to see you’re fighting back. All the best, Freya & George



Thinking of you Nick! X


Harriet Wheeler

I am so sorry. We have had a similar year. Keep optimistic, strong and enjoy every day together.


Divya Vethakan

Praying for you.... stay strong, you will pull through xoxo Divs


Danielle Johinke


Damian Clarke-bruce

All the best mate. Wish you all the strength in the world. Love and science will get you through. ❀


Katharine Mckay


Trevor Brown

Thinking of you and your family from Texas. Sending plenty of Pattimura love.


Sarah Fleetwood




Martin Cross

Good luck


Liesbeth Keulemans

Fight Nick, fight!! Thinking of you and your fiancé and your family!


James Fry

I do not know you Nicolas, rather saw your story on LinkedIn and it moved me - God's Speed to you.


Serene Zhang

Hey Nick, we don’t know each other well, but I wish you strength and courage during this time.



Best wishes


Marlene And Geoff Brennan Ruth Bren Brennan

Our very best wishes Nicolas for a good outcome. Marlene and Geoff Brennan


Robert Muir

Hi Nick Wishing you all the best with your treatment ahead and look forward to a positive result.


Sue Gibson

Sending all our Love & praying for a positive outcome - stay strong both Mark, Sue & Boys xxxxx


Lisa Luxton

Nick wishing you all the best and to find the best treatment to deal with this cancer. Love Lisa


Andrea Bastin

My partner passed with a rare cancer Wishing you all the luck in the world , Miracles do happen


Ciro Romer


Milan Bloem

Hey Nick, anything I can do to help. Stay strong and good luck my brother.


Sullivan Kidder


Ellen Kelly






Amy Landucci

My thoughts are with all of you, I am sending healing energy


Kelly Burke

You got this Nic & Vic - your determination is inspiring x


Heidi Bailey Powell

Wishing you the very best Nic and Vic.


Sharlene Zaat

Thinking of you and your family, Nick, and sending positive thoughts!


Lewis Whyte

Stay strong Nick!


Donna Whyte

Thoughts and prayers are with you. The Whyte’s.


Eleanor Bryan

Hope you beat this


Brian Whitney

Keep strong bud, thoughts and prayers are with you.


Farid Shahmoradi

Wishing you all the best Nick!


Graham Wederell




Elyse & Matthew Jenkinson

Thinking of you and the family.. Sending positive vibes your way Xx




Salomé Rechsteiner

Wishing you all the best! I believe that you can fight this with the support from your loved ones


Tobias Marshman

Really sorry to hear this Nick, thinking of you both x


Monti Daryani

Hey Nick & Steph, We will be here for you throughout. - Becconti, Josh & Jill


Walt Feldmann


Emily Ashenden


Jeff Day

Keeping you and your family in our prayers. Jeff and Mitzi


Darren Mcnamara

Hi Nick & Victoria, Wishing you all the best and our thoughts are with you both. Rgds Darren




Will & Erin

Love you always mate, and can't wait to celebrate your wedding in a few days time! Here for you.


Christine Sick


Jay & Allison Green

Wishing you a long life. Congrats on your wedding to Victoria. Wish we could be there.


Monika Berger

Wir wünschen Dir von Herzen nur das Beste, Nick !


Cathy & Duncan Cole

Nic and Vic wishing you all the best.


Ed Metz

Nick my thoughts are with you. Please let me know if I can help further.


Evan Decker

Stay strong, buddy.


Charlotte Hines

Thinking of you and your family Nick, and wishing you all the best!


Livia Luzzatto

Stay strong Nick, I’m thinking of you and wish you all the possible best


Nicky Phillips

Hi Nick, Best wishes for your treatment.


Ruairi Robertson

Wishing you all the best Nick! Love to you and all your family from us here in Ireland!


Niall Robertson




Sara Osman


Tina Sands

Nick sending you and Victoria strength, positivity and love.


Ian Boll


Sara Osman


Pierre Bélanger

Nic. with you all the way. You hang tough, big guy. Regards to Ute & Klauss. The Coleman-Belangers


Andrew Beck

Best of luck Nick! Keep fighting!


Julia Diprose

Wishing you all the best Nick


Saya E.


Aleksandra Savic

This is so sad to hear! There is hope in medical research! Stay strong&positive! Big hug from Basel


Beata Lipman

Nic, what a fighter! Stay strong, we are all behind you


Tiziana Carabelli


Emily Kang

Stay strong and be positive.







Sending lots of strength and positivity from Switzerland. Big hug, Norbert


Argeris Karabelas

Nick, stay strong! Jerry and Eloise Karabelas


Argeris Karabelas

Nick, stay strong in your battle with FLC. We wish you all the best. Jerry&Eloise Karabelas



Hope that this can make a difference! Stay strong!


Laurie Pellegrino

Inspiring. Strong. Keep going .... our prayers and thoughts are with you.


Dan Gill

We are all thinking of you, Nick and Vic - sending lots of support from Scotland - Dan and Family


Ursula Laemmlin

Best of Luck !!!!


Claire Lansdall & Family

Shocked and saddened to hear this. Sending love and strength to you and your family. Keep fighting!



I pray for God touch you with his healing handsπŸ™





our prayers with you& get well soon.



Wish you the best and get well soon.




Jade Hooper

Sending all my love, you are a fighter and you have a great and supportive family beside you.


Andrina & Dennis Brennan

Keeping you both, Nick & Vic, close in our thoughts and wishing every day is better than the last x


Argeris Karabelas

Nick, stay strong! Jerry and Eloise Karabelas


Patrick Liddy


Julia Cunha

Keep fighting and stay positive! You got this!


Jane Dsylva


Kate Minturn


Cyndi Hudson


Aaron Sharpe

Keep strong mate, you got this. The team misses you! Always here if you need anything.


Tim Barraclough

Keep strong mate - you got this


Jenny, Ivan And Mark Constable


Louise Rose


Lauren Jackson


Michael Otty

Praying for miracles, peace and joy - and that we can go on another run in the future!




Christa Kohler




Stephan Walter


Timothy Kilchenmann

Nick, my thoughts and prayers are with you - stay strong. Much love, Tim




Mike Bos

Wishing you & your family lots of strength, our thoughts are with you. Big hug from the Bos family


Marit Schep

I admire your bravery when faced with such difficult circumstances. Live your best life Nick.


Fasching Daniel

We wish you strength to battle your fight! πŸ™








Horst Kaiser

Nick, all the best to you and your loved!!








Divya Krishnan

Sending you all the good vibes and luck in the world - X Div


Stephanie Hunink




Dan Thornton


Nina & Cornelius Lupan

Sending you all love & strength


Takuma Suto

My thoughts are with you and your family.



All the best from the UK


Kito Mojica

We're all behind you on this buddy!



Stay strong πŸ’ͺ


Elizabeth Ford

Nick - We are behind you all the way! I’m so happy your incredible family is there for you! Liz


Hayley And Sarah Atkin

Wishing you all the best Nick!


Elliot Durkan

Sorry to hear this news Nick - thoughts and prayers are with you, Vic and the family. Stay strong


Ellen Browne

Sending prayers for you and your loved ones.


Sandrine & Achim Pluckebaum

Heartbreaking. You will make it. Sending our prayers to you and your wonderful family.


Kathryn & Rolf Roesen

Thinking of you both. Good luck and take care.


David Verdura

Keep strong Nic!


Veronika Kohler

Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best. Kuno & Vreni


Natalie Meyer

Thinking of you Nick ❀️ Sending lots of love


Teske Isabel Boorsma

lost for words, so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and your family. πŸ’™ Tess


Helen Ackerman


Teresa Meyer

Nicolas, how courageous you & your Vic are. Our prayers are with you & your fight❀️ Terri&Stef Meye


Laura Sieber

Sending you so much love and strength. Thinking of you ❀️ X to The Sieber family




Sloane Duhe

Always remember you have friends around the world who love you and are thinking about you!


Andrew Conway

Thinking of you in Ireland from an old pal





Philip Dart

Sending positive thoughts to you both. Phil Dart (friend of Neil)



Sending you a world of support, from a friend of Neil.


Nicholas Ryder

Nic, Vic and the Dogs... you have this


Simon Lindberg

Thinking about you, buddy. Stay strong! Simon and Lily


Sarah Fraser

Dear Nick and Victoria. Thinking of you both x


Christine Chen


Sam Worley

So sad to hear of this Nick, thinking of you both and wishing you all the best. Stay strong mate








Sazz Ariyanayagam


Marvin Suwarso

Praying for you and your family Nick. Warm regards from Jakarta


Ralph Alarilla

Keep fighting Nick - praying for the best!


Clare Smeaton

Nick, I am at a complete loss for words, sending my best wishes your way as you fight this!


Ryan Vernall



Hi Nick, Keep it going strong and with your smile. A lot of times think of you at our talks in NVS.


Jose Videira

Hi Nick, A lot of times think of you, in our talks and laughs when you worked at NVS Keep Strong JV


Douglas Chipponeri


Jim Pao & Bill Murray

Nick, sending positive thoughts to you and the family. Wishing you much courage and strength.




Charles Costigan



Keep fighting. You will nail this!


Azadeh Hajiakbar

Sending my love to you both and wishing you all the best on this path /Azadeh


Luke & Emma Coxhead

Sending lots of love and support to you and Vic from across the ditch and we’ll see you soon!



You’ve got this πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ’ͺ🏼


Sabine Schurr-eisinger

All the best Nicolas!


Eva Mclean


Sophie Bergeret

So sorry to hear this Nick, keeping you in my thoughts and sending you all the positive ones I can




Alex Franke


Thomas Shane Kohler

Wishing you all the best Nick






Ayomi Samaraweera

Thinking of you both during this time and sending lots of positive energy. Ayomi Samaraweera


Jessica Sharratt

Hi Nick, we’ve never met I worked with Vic briefly and she’s just wonderful. Thinking of you both


Charles M.

Stay strong, Wishing you that all goes well.



We've never met, but Cyndi Hudson shared this on LinkedIn. Hope any little bit helps <3.


Jasjeet Singh Hanjrah

Sending my best wishes and you both will be in my prayers.


Mary Leblanc

My prayers are with you and your whole family Nick.


David T

Hope this helps


Jai & Hannah Tulsi




Francis Baldinu


Tom And Kaori Mizutani

Sending you and your family all love and support.


Emil Ericson

Stay strong bud, you’re a warrior! Always here for you if you need anything X


Simon Ashworth

All out love from Hong Kong. Anything we can do just let us know! Simon, Daria, William & Rory x



Stay strong and positive. You are fighting the good fight for those that will come after you.❀️


Pete Dhillon

Thinking of you during this challenging time Nicolas



God bless you


Bengtake Wahlberg

Keep fighting Nick! Rgds Bengtaake



Sending you lots of luck and a miracle to happen to keep you both together forever


Marion Britton

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Mirjam Grunenfelder

You’ve got this Nick!! Ribbes, we love you!!! -Mirjam & Grunenfelders


Helping Nicolas Ribbe

Lieber Nick, wird schnell wieder Gesund! Dein Leon








Antje Berendes




Jasmine Tilbury

Thinking of you both and wishing you the best of luck - sending lots of love and positivity x


David Kåverud

Mate, I'm devastated to hear this news. Stay strong and keep fighting!! Lots of love from Sweden!


Anthony Toft

I wish you continued courage and strength.


Owen Melling

Sending you all the love and best wishes mate! Stay positive, you’ve got this!



Wish you all the best. Think positive


Mette (fred’s Mom) Fogt

Dearest Nick, you know we all think so much about you and wish you both strength on your journey.


Jakob Fogt

Dear Nick, Best wishes and hope sent to you from Denmark. Best Jakob


Joe Wadakethalakal

I hope you get well soon!


Jacob Bradshaw


Elliot Hoare

My 7/10 brother, I hope this helps, stay strong and chat soon!


K Alo

Hi Nicolas God bless you. I don’t know you personally, but I pray that you are completely healed


Willem Kistemaker

Wishing you all the best


Sandy Tsin

Good luck for the treatment, you’re going to smash it! I’m rooting for you :)


Katie Beale

I hope this helps! Good luck!


Katie Beale

I hope this helps! Good luck!


Coni Carrara

Stay positive as always and kick it!!! Sending lots of energy from Holland


Daniel Crump

All the best, Nick. Very sorry to hear about this. Sending good vibes from DC.


Eli & Fred Fogt

We love you Nick, and are with you every step β€οΈπŸ™




Amanda Brogaard

Best wishes from Denmark


Louise & Neill

We love you mate and are so proud of you. You and Vic are so strong. Sending you all our strength!


Kim Daly


Brittany Williams

All of the positive and healing vibes! β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎ


Anoush Hashemi



Tolu Ogunsanya

Nick and Victoria - sorry you're dealing with this but keep fighting. Wishing you both the best


Tolu Ogunsanya

Nick & Vic - sorry you're dealing with this but keep fighting! Wishing you the best on road ahead




Nicole D'silva


Tom Matthews-finn

Good luck mate! You got this.


James Tsim

Best wishes for you Nick - take care


Catherine Wright


Juliette Coles

So sorry to hear, sending you both positive thoughts x


Lizzie Oxborrow

Thinking of you both, best wishes




Valentina Carabelli


Marc And Camille Stockreisser

Even we don’t know each other, I wish you all the best and get well soon.


Jane Gunn


Emma Clancy


Sanna Rissanen




Caro & Oskar Werner

We're really sorry you're going through this. All the best wishes for you & your family


Tricia Nelson

What a cruel card to be dealt, an inspiring response and I have everything crossed for you both.


Sean Dodd

All the best Nic and family Ribbe !! Stay strong πŸ’ͺ


Haley Ohara


Valentina Nikolla

Very proud of you of how you are fighting. All the strength to both of u. Thinking lots of u.


Emre Bozdurgut

I am very sorry to hear this. Stay strong Nick and Vic ❀️


Rohan Barrett

My thoughts and best wishes with you Vic and Nicolas.


That Healthcare Pr Girl Pty Ltd

Here to help you both in any way we can. Sending love Aleks, Alex, Ashton + Adele


Seth Rodgers

Nic always here to help. Seth


Seth Rodgers


Jorina Van Malsen

So sorry to hear this, wishing you both all the best!


Jess Kline


Benedict Counsell

So sorry to hear this, Nick. Wishing you all the best with your recovery.





Hey Nick. All the best. Tom.


Nilesh Kharva

Sending good vibes, love and hugs.


Kellie Errington

Thinking of you and hoping for the best. Sending love and good vibes from Melbourne.


Jacqueline Und Fabio Carabelli


Clélia-elsa Froguel

Best wishes.


Holly Duncan

Sending lots of love to you both in this tough time. Really hope some good luck comes your way!


Hannah Snaith


Peter Colley

Wishing Nicolas all the very best. With love from Peter


Yves Deschamps

Stay strong brother! Much love and positive energy. Yves and Mathilde


Pauline Sullivan

Thinking of you both during this time - Pauline Sullivan


Marc Deschamps

Dear Nick Stay strong fighting the battle and keep up the positive spirit. Marc & Sylvia D.


Hannah Klein

So sorry to hear this. Praying for more miracles, medical breakthroughs and peace as you navigate.



Sending all our love and positive energy. Rob and Visala


Susila Dharmarajah

Keeping you in my prayers. Love Susila


Gjaklina&anton Nikolla

Gute Besserung


Theo Rowley

Sending you all love and support ❀️ Theo, Lizzie, and Elodie




Thomas Jones

Sending oodles of love & support to you both Tom & Clare xxx


Niklas Hagemann

Wishing you all the best Nick




Rory Mclean


Peter Murphy

All the best Nick. Stay strong, you have an amazing family around you!


Aoife Davitt


Rosa D'acunti

Good luck Nicolas! Rosa


Paul Ioannou

I was really shocked to see this. Sending you much love and strength for the fight ahead.


Jacqueline Mcgrath


Philipp Delzeit

Keep fighting, Nic. I keep my fingers crossed for you!


Karthik Kariat

Sending you our love and best wishes. Stay strong and please let us know if we can help in any way


Sid Kim

Stay strong mate


Meera Kotak

Sending all the positive thoughts and strength to you both, you've got this xx


Meredith Roach

Wishing you and Vic all the best, our thoughts are with you.


Patrick Costello


Simon Gateley

Wishing you all the best mate x


Scott Jermy

I wish I could support you more in this fight, Nick, but I hope this helps. I’m proud of you mate


Danny Jennings

You’ve got this mate, a positive mindset is so powerful with these things. Keep fighting x


Eoin Mcdonagh

What a team you two are together, such wonderful strength and resilience.


Danny Jennings

You’ve got this mate, positive mindsets are so powerful. Keep fighting x


Linda Scholz

All the best for your little brother Steph and lots of strength for Nick and the rest of the family


Lisa Aghabekian

You've got this, Nick!


Jess Murphy

Sending you all our thoughts and best wishes Nick and Vic. Thinking of you both xx Damo and Jess


Aj Lawrence

Sending all my love and best wishes


Andra Chira

So sad to hear this - my thoughts are with you!


Kevin Rhodes

My thoughts are with you both - stay strong and good luck!








Asif Sheikh

So sorry to hear this. Stay strong guys!


Tina Nguyen

Hey Nick, Sending all my love your way and may your strength persevere through this tough time.


David Jenkins

So sorry to read this Nick. Keep fighting x


James Brewin

If any couple can overcome this, it’s you two! Hoping you’re staying positive!


Nicole Barnett

Sending positive thoughts your way.


Josh Huang

Sending you positive thoughts and energy to you and Vic!


Margo Hermans

Sending you both much love and continued resilience – thinking of you. Margo


Ansuya .

Stay strong, Nick! Wishing you many more miracles.




Margaret Costello

Nick you are a true warrior. Lots of love from all of us in the Costello household. Margaret ,Pat


Hermans Family

With much admiration for your strength and resilience. Keep fighting!


Jessie Stanbrook

I believe in miracles. Sending you all the strength and love from England. x


Andrew Wilson

Nick, so sorry to hear of your news. Stay strong mate, and all the best for the journey & wedding


David Palacios

Hope and love from family and friends will make a difference along your journey. Stay positive!


Prabhat Pandey

Sending love and positive vibes to you. Stay strong!!!


Matt Anderson


Anneline Klijnsma

Sending lots of love, strength and positive thoughts your way. You’ve got this, Nick! Xx


Elena & Christoph


Lara Scott

Sending good health vibes and best wishes to both of you Nick and Victoria to conquer this!


Sean Hayes

Thoughts and prayers are with you mate.


Jessica Browning

Truly inspiring. Sending you both much love, strength and positive vibes from Switzerland.


Anthony Melton

Sending you all our love Nick. Always at the end of the phone x


Fabian Moreira-phillips

Good luck Nick as you continue this very hard journey - sending you all the best from the UK


Alexandra & Rares Dorca

All the best to you, Nick!


Naren Ratwatte

Nick we worked together at EY. Wishing the very best and all the strength you need. Naren


Steph Toft

I’m without words but I love and miss you and I just hope you have the best wedding - Steph


Laura Yates

Hope and love to you, Nick!


Bailey Barnes

Your attitude and outlook is so inspiring Nick. Sending love and well wishes your way!


Michael Thomas

Sending you love and positive thoughts my friend. The best ISB right back in history! #Lugano






Simon Field

Keep fighting Nick!


Rikka Mansell

Sending all the love and positive thoughts your way!


Michael Baron

Really sorry to hear what you’re going through. Keep positive and stay strong matey.


Pauline Morel

Praying for you πŸ‘πŸΌ


Jennalyn Christopherson

Thinking of you!


Dominique Cachelin


Alina C

Stay positive!


Katie Ball

Sending all the love, prayers and positive thoughts your way!


Lucy Costello


Jonathan Pepper




Kristan Julius

We’re with you every step of the way, beloved son of our hearts.




Sebastian Kriticos



On behalf of the Novartis IT Family


Andrea Pisa

Very sorry to hear this, Nick. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best x


Richard And Kate Vines

With our very best wishes. Stay strong.


Ronny Misteli


Amy Costello

πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻you've got this Nick, good luck x


Enno Hoffmann-dose


Clare Parsons

Sending all our love, Clare Parsons


Luis Guevara

Count on the Guevara-Harrison’s Nick! All our love and blessings to you!


Sara L


Minna Kumpula

Stay strong πŸ’ͺ❀️


Darcie Maher

You’ve got this NickπŸ’ͺ🏼




Karen Frieling


Ailbhe O'daly


Ferdinand Winter

Hey Nick knowing your sister and parents I know what great support you have and want to add to that


Jess & Michael Rowland

You got this Nick!


Manuel Grunenfelder


Christina Wadhwani

Best wishes to you Nick. Love you Steph!


Michele Fedeli

Miracles can always happen, just believe in it!


Sarah Barry


Helen & Jock Hanley


Rehan Benson

Showing amazing strength during such challenging times. Adele and I are here if you need anything.


Paul Barnard

Best of luck. Paul & Carly


Robbie Blackburn

Good luck Nick. Sending you all the very best.


Nina Bee


Kiran Sandhu


Marlene Abeling

Much love from Germany Marlene and Chris


Christina Hu


Srinidhi Soundararajan

Wishing you the best Nick!


Dimi Mastrantoni


Ferdinand Winter


Snehil Priya

Thank you for sharing your story. Love to you and Vic x


Hayley Synott

Nic, gutted to read what you’re going through. Will be keeping you in my thoughts! Keep safe mate!


Adriaan Ter Horst

Nick, sending you much positive energy and fight for the road ahead! You can do this.


Hayley Synott

Nic, gutted to read what you’re going through. Will be keeping you in my thoughts - keep safe mate!


Stuart Wise

All the best mate. We are all here for you and will do what we can to support in any way possible.


Suzy Richardson

Much love from Suzy


Ronan Costello


Oli Latham

I just saw this via LinkedIn-so unbelievably shocked! Keep taking the positive where you can!


Ronan Costello


Morgan Carroll

Sending love to you and Vic at this time Nick. Reach out if we can do anything at all. Stay strong.


Kevin & Simone

Supporting you however we can, every step of the way - you’ve got this. πŸ’ͺ


Varun Malhotra

