Read Lillian's Message of thanks
My world shattered just days after my 34th birthday.
I was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. I am not about to let this diagnosis define my whole life. I aim to live with cancer and with love and thankfulness in my heart. You see, I have so much to be thankful for.
God has given me a loving husband who is my rock and best friend, an amazing 3-year-old daughter who is our everything, a wonderful extended family that I could not have picked better, beautiful friends and colleagues and a dream job as a social justice lawyer that I am deeply passionate about.
It was easy to miss the signs. I had had a cough for two months prior to my diagnosis, but had dismissed it as a post-viral cough. As the days went by, further testing showed I had developed a rare form of lung cancer caused by the mutation of the ROS1 gene, a mutation that only 1-2% of non-small cell lung cancer patients have, and one often found in young non-smokers like myself. The target therapy drug Crizotinib (Xalkori) has been found in recent research to be an effective antitumor medicine for this type of mutation and also has minimal side effects compared to other types of chemotherapy.
In a situation where the prognosis is generally dismal, measured in months for advanced stage cancer, Crizotinib has shown potential to extend the prognosis to years. Unfortunately, this medicine is not on the PBS and as there are no current trials available for my mutation type. It will cost us approximately $7,400 a month to access the medication that I need.
I look to this medicine as my hope. I hope to be there to send my daughter off on her first day of school with tears in my eyes, I hope to celebrate many more birthdays with the people I love, and most of all, I hope to share many more years of tears and laughter with my husband, the love of my life, as we navigate this journey together.
"Please note that all monies donated to Rare Cancers Australia Limited are used charitably at the discretion of the RCA Board of Directors. The wishes of donors are, wherever possible, taken into account by the Board when allocating available funds.”
Thank you to my Sponsors


Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee

Making this donation to celebrate the love and joy we have in our lives. Keep up the good work Lil!

Julia Carlomagno

Chu Xu And Family
All the very best to you and your family Lillian, fight strong!

John Truswell
Hi Lillian, My wife passed away from Ovarian Ca 2 months ago - if there's anything I can do ...

P. Conaty

Caroline Lee
November donation

Caroline Lee
December donation

Caroline Lee
January donation

Caroline Lee
February donation

Caroline Lee
March donation

Caroline Lee
April donation

February Donation

February Donation

March Donation

Saf Team
We raised these funds through a small gathering - hope this and our wishes help you, Tammie


Caroline Lee
May Donation

Caroline Lee
June Donation


Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee

Caroline Lee


Raymond Wan
Our thoughts are still with you and hope you are doing well.

Michael Levin
Our Son, Anthony, has alerted me to your plight. Beat the damned thing !!


David Wong
May God Bless you & your family

Be strong. God is always with you.

The Half Staffed Library
Thinking of you in the Library

Deidre Bower And Lynne De Celis
Lynne and I both have fought the brave fight many years ago and are still causing mischief xx

You are amazing. Never give up.

Lillian - Teresa alerted us to your situation. All the best in kicking this out!

Andrew Li

Gordon Lau
Thanks for sharing your story & your courage with us all! Hope we can make those dreams come true!

Aunty Salina Chan (joe's Mum)
Lillian, your story was shared by Teresa Tam. Be strong & keep fighting. Best wishes to you & yo

Ian And Alison
As friends of Teresa and Joe, I hope this little donation helps keep a smile on your face.

Sending strength, courage, love and light your way xx

Corina & David
Believe you can & you're halfway there.


Kevin And Alice Tong
Stay strong we know you can beat this! Attitude makes a big difference and you're inspirational!

Jeremy,s Louie Parents
Get well soon.

Ollie And Erwin
Sending prayers and well wishes to you and your family.

Michelle Bower

Pav & Shai

Aunty Linda
Lots of love and prayers for you and your family.

Love you Lil

Cvet Jankulovska
You can do it Lilian, go strong girl !


Joyce Chow
Your determination and conviction is simply inspiring, our hope that your hopes become a reality.


Manuela & Ivor Epstein
We wish you and your family, all the best.

Lillian, I am so sorry to hear you have cancer. You are such a beautiful person. Please get well. x

Julia, Brett & Joshua
Your strength, positivity & courage is truly inspirational. We are here for you, Pete & Jess always

Teresa & Moscow
Hope you will get well very soon, Lil! Praying for you & your family. All the best! xxx

Mike G
we'll pray, stay strong and don't give up!

Staff At Gosford Legal Aid
Sending you love, strength and support from all your friends at Gosford Legal Aid.

Keep Hope Lil - This Is 3yrs Old... Pretty Amazing. Sending My Love.

The Macquarie Group Foundation
Our matching donation in recognition of the great fundraising efforts of Macquarie Group staff.


Legal Aid Fairfield
Sending love and strength from all your colleagues in Fairfield and Donna S. from Liverpool.

Josephine F

Annie & Xavier
Love and thought are with you Lillian! Stay strong!



Michaela E Epstein

Beyond Pain- Anjelo Ratnachandra
Thinking of you!

Lesley & Francis
Lilian, will keep you in our prayer. Peace be with you and your family.

Carole Drew

Sue Ballantyne
Thinking of you

Michael & Linda Ching
We'll be praying for you!

Siu Kwan Tam/ Yeech Tam

Eileen Hingco

Raymond Wan
Just want to extend our support hoping to reach closer to your goal.

You got this

Mo Family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Lillian, stay strong!

Sam & Gina
Always keep you in our prayers! Hugs...hugs...

Fanny And Joseph
Put on the arm our of God that you may be standing strong in the treat

Carl And Rachel Fennessy
Our thoughts are with you and your family xxx


Hope my little contribution will help. God Bless

Wei (kenrick)
Lillian I know I'll see u n ur beautiful family for many many yrs to come at Jean n Jeremy's house




Simon And Carrie

Akemi, Ken And Kai
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Fight on, Lil!

Lillian - so sad to hear this news. Praying that you can get through this well.

Our thoughts are with you

Adam F

Tessa Greening (e&d)
Such a sad, inspirational and touching story. I hope your reach your goal. We are all thinking of yo

Lil, thank you for letting us know your positiveness and we can assist.Love you,Pet and Jess always.

Jen N
Gorgeous Lillian.. Love and positive energy to you

Jesus love you and your baby,

Karina I
keep strong. God is with you.

Pray, pray pray pray always pray doesnt matter how, for what or when just pray.

Heidi Clarke
Thinking of you and your family. Stay strong xxx

Kirsten Cameron
Thinking of you.

Praying for you and your family.

John Pearson
Lillian I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope the treatment works wonderfully.You have a great spirit!

I wish you all the very best Lillian. We are very fortunate to be able to get our meds via PBS!

Our prayers are with you and your family. I wish you the best with your treatment.


Kingsgrove Family
Wear a Miraculous Medal. May Our Lady comfort and protect you. We are proud of your strong hope.


Jeannie, Dan, Carolyn & Grace
Stay strong - we will continue to pray for you.

My thoughts go out to you & your family


Yun Ling Lai

Mary Leung
We are with you!


May you and your family be safe, may you be healthy, may you be at ease. With all peace.

Jess And Vu
Wishing and preying you will be well

Sending you lots of love and strength

Mary Seeto


Lillian, you are truly an inspiration.

Sarah & Kt Ching
Be stronge. Don't give up.

Pray for you daily, Trust in the Lord


Thoughts & Prayers are With You & Your Familys

You are an inspiration Lillian. Thinking of you and your family and sending you my love xx

Jennifer Marsh (rebecca's Mother)
Best wishes xx

All the best with your treatment. Stay strong xx


Soph & Tho
Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Your strength is truly an inspiration!

Praying for you and your family lil

Talia Epstein
Wishing you a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Sarah Ibrahim
Sending you lots of love xx

Tami Sokol
Sending you and your family strength, courage and love during this challenging time.

Jen Lee
Thinking of you and your family. Sending positivity your way, you can do this!

May the future bring the best possible outcome, Lillian !

our thoughts are with you and your family. we will be praying very hard to st. peregrine for you!

Mary & Ken & Jayden
Praying for you & your family. We love you Lil xxx

Nick Taylor
Thinking of you and your family and wishing you all the best x



Never give up!!!. Fin something to be grateful for every hour of your day! I snd you love and peac

Tji Sing
Stay strong and will keep you and family in our pray only the Lord knows.


Vivian Ho
Be strong and have faith. All the best to you and your loved ones.

Flora Lau
I'm sorry the donation didn't go through before. I hope this makes a difference to you and others.

Sending you love and light.

we care

One Of Your Aunties Who Loves You From Your Childhood
God had made you a strong warrior & be His instrument

A & J
Thanks for being such an inspiration! Keep fighting. We're all behind you in prayer.


Cleo & Mick
Lil and Peter ...keep up the good fight......lotsa love

Thinking of you on your journey, x

You're surrounded by great friends + family. You seem really strong. I'll be praying for you.

Thinking of you Lillian. Stay stong . Much love, Justine

Peter And Josephine
Keep fighting. Our thoughts are with you.


Jaki Ilbery
Keep up the good fight Lil.

E Ngo

Love, strength and healing to you and your family Lillian. You're an inspiration.

With lots of love and ongoing support to you and your amazing family. xoxo

The Crew Upstairs : )
We love you our beautiful friend xx

Sending you, Pete and Jess lots and lots of love xxoo

The Tsangs
Keep it up Lil! Stay strong, there are many happy days ahead awaiting. God bless.

Bounny & Young
With Love and support.


Flavia Spaccavento
Sending you love

Thinking of you and your lovely family. Stay strong

We haven't met but as a mum whose son starts school next year, I want this for you too. Sending love

I pray for you to have many more years with your family and loved ones. God Bless xx

Wishing you all the best in your recovery.

Hi Lillian,I'm friends with Evelyn. You are inspiring & I wish you the best with your treatment

good luck Lillian!

Caroline And Gary Yeung
stay strong Lillian, our thoughts are with you xx

Samantha Perry

Anna J Mo
Dear Lillian, I am sure you will get to share many more milestones with your beautiful little girlxx

The Fretters


Philippa Lumley
Sending you all my positive thoughts Lillian

Keep strong and be brave. We are here for anything that you may need x

Robyn Ramsay



Beth Murphy

Julia (partner Ms M Cabe)

Explore & Develop Artarmon
From all the staff at Explore & Develop Artarmon we are all thinking of you, Peter and Jessica x

Ben And Cynthia
You are and always have been an inspiration my friend. Our love and prayers . xxxxx

I am hopeful for you!

Lynette And Freddy
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up the fight



Jo Bickerton

Jenny Hutchinson
Keep strong. Keep positive. Xxx

Thinking of you.

Aunty Christina Cheung


You are in my thoughts and prayers xx

Amo Duval
Our thoughts are with you!

Praying for you and your family

Gloria And Tommy
Stay strong Lil! Sending you, Pete and Jess much love.

Melanie Humphery

Amanda And Louis
wishing you many more years Lil xx

All the best.

Janet Humphery
Sent with all my love and prayers. Never under estimate your strength.

Debbie Yeung
Lillian, stay strong, You can do it! Sending lots of love & support from Hong Kong! X

Thank you for sharing your story. So sorry to hear about your illness. Keep strong & stay positive!

So sorry to hear this :( Thanks for sharing your story. Our thoughts are with you and your family

Auntie Connie Of St Monica
Our Lord will protect you, your loved ones will sustain you, you faith will carry you through

Stay strong. God love you and your family.

Agnes And Harold
Dear Lillian, we will keep you and your loved ones in our prayers. In Him we hope and trust.

Sarah & Martijn Bakker
Love and thoughts are with you and your family. Love ""Seera" from New Zealand and husband xo

Rebecca, Andrew, Kevin & Deborah
Keeping you and your family in our prayers. Know that you are not alone in this xxx

Neil Gregerson

Helen Waters
Being "Lil" I know already that you meet this challenge with grace. I pray God for the strength.

Grant, Kristy And Hugo
You and your family are in our hearts and minds every day, Lil. Stay strong.

Sue J
Sending love to you Peter and little Jessica. xo

Rita Kim Tuyen Nguyen
Get well soon

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

Wan Chi Ho Raymond
Be strong and watch your family grow. Our thoughts and hearts are with you.


Lillian, so sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you, your family and the many people you inspire

Sylvie Tso
May the Lord turn your weakness into strength, sorrow into joy and heal you with His loving hand.

Your message is positive and strong. What an inspiration. All the best and my thoughts are with you

Winnie And Sam Lau
Stay strong, never forget we are all by your side!

Lilian, be strong and will keep you in my prayers!

Carol Leung
Thinking of you


THinking of you and sending good heathly vibes


Jen Henry Chris Jay
Lillian, stay strong and positive! You are in our prayers. xoxo

You and your family are in my prayers.

You're an inspiring woman. Best of luck with your journey. xoxo

Big hugs from Vanessa's sister x

Suzy Hartley
Beautiful words Lil. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and positive energy to you xx

Allison Wong
Praying for you and your family

Henry Edwards
It always happens to good people! Best of luck getting through this!

Rebecca Yeoh
The best of luck xx

You're in our hearts, Lillian. If anyone can do this, you can, girl!

Viola, Chris And Mimmy
Beautiful, brave Lillian and family - we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

Erin Gough
wishing all the very best for you, Lillian!

Lil,, you are an absolute inspiration. Sending love, thoughts and prayers to you and your family. xx

Sending you love x

Your message and your strength are beautiful.

Richard Foltin
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loving family

You are in my thoughtsxx

Simon B
For the best medicines, for you

thhinking of you hun. we'll look after everythig at the office till you come back stronger than ever

Wishing you the quality of life you deserve for many years to come.



Vanessa And Carlos
thinking of you and forward to creating many more fun memories together:)

Wishing you all the best Lillian

stay strong!

Stay strong and have faith. I wish you all the very best.


Winnie Ching
Stay strong! Will be praying for you!

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, stray strong and never lose hope :)

Theodore And Oscar

Vanessa's Parents
You're an amazing lady!Prayers and hugs xx

Thinking of you,. with love



Vincent Choi
Lillian. Keep fighting and together we can beat this. Stay strong and we are praying for you.

All my family's thoughts and hopes are with you, Lillian.

Ed K
Make every day count! Good Luck! Best Wishes from Lili-Wes-Ed!!

Prow & Ben
Wishing you all the best Lil. Please stay strong, you will get through this. xoxo

Mark C Saunders
Our thoughts and prays are with Lillian and your family. Fight Hard

Olivia Choi
You will be in my prayers.

Charmaine Mumbulla
Stay strong, sending lots of love and positive energy your way

Jasmine Czerwik
Lillian, Please Stay strong. I am sure you will get though this!


Christine, Eric & Estelle
You're an inspiration to us all Lil. You know we love you and are praying for you. xoxo


Winnie And Wilkin
Our prayers are with you Lillian. Stay strong!

My family's thoughts are with you. Please stay strong. xx

Anthony And Maria
Our prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong and get well soon.



Carlos And Vanessa
you are such a wonderful person keep fighting! We love you xo

What an inspirational story. I wish you many more beautiful years with your loved ones.

Daniel Chelliah
You are an amazing person Lillian!

Stay strong and take care

From a mum to a mum, strength and healing xx

Keep fighting. Thoughts are with you.

Although I don't know you personally but will include you in my prayers. Be strong and be positive!

Rachelle Johnston
You are strong and inspiring. Sending good thoughts to you and your family.

What an inspiring story. I hope Crizotinib is approved by the PBS! x

Paul C
Lillian, be strong and positive. God is with you always.

Thinking of you and your family.

Julie Ausburn
Stay strong, my prayers are with you and your family xx


Steph Steiner

IYou will see Jess off on her first day of school. Xo

Linda Kable
Stay strong Lillian. Our thoughts are with you.

Shirl Lyon (nee Acland)
Dearest Lillian, you are an inspiration to us all. I will enjoy watching you beat this! hugs

You are a beautiful, talented person Lillian and I am thinking of you.

Ken Lam
Be strong Lillian

Grace &tam
Praying for you and your family. Stay strong xx

Belinda James

Lynne Lee
Thinking of you


wishing you many many years of great results on Crizotinib.

Jo And Julio
Wishing a pleasing and long long time with this medicine

All the best with the medication Lil. Take care and may God bless you and your family always.

Teresa (gemma's Mum)
Take care and all the best. God bless.

Lillian, stay strong and trust God. Hope your wishes come true. Will pray Rosary for you too.

In our thoughts and prayers.

Elsie & Urey
Stay strong...will keep praying for you! God Bless you and your family!

Thanks for sharing your story, and best wishes for the treatment!

Stay strong, Lil!

As a young mum myself I hope & pray that you'll raise the money to get treatment asap. Stay strong

we love you

Stay strong Lil! Thanks for sharing your feelings and fight for life. We are all here for you xx

Fi & Adrian
This is beautiful. You're amazing & so brave. Know that you have our support & love always xxx

Mel, Jonathan And Emma
Wishing you many many many years of effective treatment xxx

Teresa & Mark
All our thoughts & prayers for you Lillian, Stay strong & lots of love from NYC. :)

Chrissy & Col
Lil, thanks for sharing your story with us- our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family x

Thanks for sharing your story Lillian. Stay strong in this journey.

Will keep you in my prayers. xxxxxxx

Hi Even though we've never met. I understand how strong you are. I wish you will get well soon!

Angela & Kris
You have our love and support all the way!

Marlene & Matthew
Thinking of you and your family. Stay strong and keep positive. Wuv you Wiwwian xx

Keeping you and your family in my prayers - God bless

Stay strong. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Keeping you in my prayers. Best wishes.

Being diagnosed with a LT illness myself, support from other helps focussing on good things to come.

Thinking of you and your family x

Jess Leung
Keeping you and your family in all my prayers. Stay strong and God Bless xx

My thoughts are very much with you. Know that you are loved and respected.

Take Care Lillian. All the best with the medication. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Heidi Fok
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family everyday...

Thinking of you. Take care.


Lillian, the thoughts of your colleagues are with you on your journey.

Stay strong and carry on. Praying for you.

Thinking of you

Nikki & Nimish
Thinking of you and your beautiful family xx


Praying for you everyday :)

Rania Ajaka
"The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you." Much love to you

Daniel Czerwik

Cath Tawagi
Stay strong Liilian. We are all thinking of you. I will help you.

Dearest Lillian - I wish I could give you so much more.

Thinking of you and sending you my support. Please know you are very well loved by your colleagues.

Yeech Tam
Lil, we are all praying for you. Be the strong person that you are and you'll kick cancer in ass xx


Dana Beiglari
Sending you strength and positivity!

Thinking of you and your family xx


Nerida And Matthew
Best wishes

Elizabeth Parkes

Ev, Ian, Lucas + Lachlan
You will always have our love and support...