Hosam was first diagnosed with a rare type of brain cancer in 2009.
He was 25, newly married and it was Christmas Eve. The diagnosis came as a shock — he didn’t know anything about brain cancer and even less about anaplastic meningeal haemangiopericytomas.
In 2010 he had his first brain surgery; a couple of years later it spread to his shoulder and later it re-appeared in his brain.
In 2017 after being told the lesion had again returned, he started to prepare for the end. Hosam was fortunate to find a surgeon who was happy and able to take on surgery others had not wanted to do. In July 2017 he underwent his 3rd craniotomy including the removal of a major sinus in his brain. It was successful operation, but it came at a cost. 5 weeks after the operation he suffered a major stroke. With the determination and courage that had seen him survive thus far he learnt to talk, read and think all over again.
His rare cancer however, had other plans, it continued to spread, 5 tumours now, both lungs, every lobe. Fighting again for options he found a surgeon to remove the tumours around the edge of the lung with a plan to irradiate the central inoperable lesions. The pre-radiotherapy scan sadly showed that 12 tumours were now present and further intervention was cancelled.
Hosam and his family with the help of Rare Cancers Australia found the MoST trial run by the Garvan Institute. He continues now on this trial, hoping to buy more time.
Hosam is a friend, a brother, a son, a husband and a father. He is a determined individual who has never asked ‘’why me’’. He has continued to support himself and his family returning to work as a dentist in between all his treatments. Unfortunately, now he has had to stop work to try fight this rare and insidious disease.
Over the last 10 years Hosam and his family have learnt a lot about cancer. Together they have fought and will continue to fight. Cancer is horrible, rare cancer is worse. The treatment options are few and when they are available they aren’t available on PBS. Currently Hosam is on a trial but the financial cost of this diagnosis on Hosam, his three young children and family is huge. We are all rallying around Hosam so he can continue this fight for many more years. His parents for example are selling their house, his wife had to return to work when their baby was just 14 weeks, his in laws are sacrificing superannuation we are all foregoing to keep up financial difficulties that a diagnosis of rare cancer brings.
Any donation will be accepted with love and thanks and I assure you he will continue to embrace life in the loving, kind caring way he always has. Your generosity will never ever be forgotten.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Richard & Kate Vines

Stay strong and keep fighting Hosam!



Keep going Hosam!! Wishing you all the best!

Katie Mcardle
For Hosamjosam


You got this!

Inspired by your story, hope this small gift helps. Keep on fighting!

What a lovely family


With love


Matt Ang Carys


Keep on going Hosam



Hasan Ehdeyhed



Lynette Jacobs

Lynette Jacobs
Hi you two lovely people. A small indication of our deep appreciation of all you do.






Lana Ehdeyhed


Maryka Jacobs


Margaret Clougher


Lana Ehdeyhed


Lynn Jacobs
To Hosam and his lovely family

Matt Jacobs

Joanna Adamson

Arian & Vanessa Nevjestic

Zainab Al Bunajim
Hisar, I’ve know about you through Emira. You are a great dad to a great family

Mazen H

Mazen Hejleh

Hope you a healthy future by God's blessing.

Ainslie Wright
Happy Fathers day

Margaret Clougher


With our very best wishes. Stay strong.