Dorothy Swanton

By Swanton Family

In loving memory Dorothy

In loving memory of Dorothy Swanton

 “Indeed, life ISN’T fair” was the usual response to your granddaughters as they faced a challenge in their early years. Importantly, and thankfully, you lived that from shortly after your stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis late April 2019. 

 Sharing the news with family and friends threw many lives into disarray from disbelief that this would be your journey, but you persevered. With the loving support of family and friends around the world, you lived twice as long as the global median from diagnosis, to our great delight. Your journey with pancreatic cancer was filled with grace and strength, laughter and quiet moments.

 It was only in your final weeks that some of the impacts of this extraordinary “£10 Pom” came to light. Your kindness, calmness, and passion for life touched the hearts, minds, and imaginations of so many – thank you for all you gave us. 

 The ripples of your life and love are evident around the world. Your love of life and joy of this world will be celebrated by those who knew and loved you. 

 One great challenge of pancreatic cancer is that while there are a growing number of diagnoses, it is still hard to get an early detection. Dorothy’s request was for support be given to Rare Cancers Australia as they work to change this, to offer hope from earlier detection, giving the chance at different options to others in the future, another ripple of your life. 

 We miss you so much.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jean & Lionel Gaitely

I've known Dorothy since schooldays - a wonderful friend - will be missed


Ally Hood

Dorothy was full of grace, love and humour. Sandy is a credit to her wonderful mother. Sadly missed.



Dorothy touched many lives in the retirement village sector.We'll remember her fondly.


Denise And Alan Russell

Your warm welcome of 4 kiwi's to Tudor House was kind and generous. We'll treasure the friendship.


Retirement Village Residents Association (rvra)

Dorothy made a real difference to the Association. She will be fondly remembered by many members.


Fiona And Jim

In loving memory of a lovely lady.


Christine Forber


Jo And Val

We will miss Dorothy and her warm, engaging and fun approach to life x


Sue And Graham

As Dorothy would have wished