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Wednesday 19th Feb Hi Everyone, in April 2024 I plan to ride our E-bike from Shoalwater to Esperance (via Albany) in Western Australia. This journey is some 1100 kilometres and all going well, I plan to complete this in 12 days. There are a number of reasons for giving this a go but the one in the forefront of this experience is in memory of our son Shaun (Gilly) Gilchrist, who we lost in April 2023 after a 6 year battle with Urachal Adenocarcinoma. ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Debra Blaskett

Peter Thomson
Pete & jen Thomson Well done Don

Kerry Dickinson
Best wishes for the ride and supporting others with a rare cancer

Patricia Martin
Super proud of you Don! Hope you have a great ride ❤️

Scott Richards
A challenge and journey of hugely mixed emotions, but a fitting tribute to Shaun. Hope you have tail winds and keep the rubber side down Don.

Deb Duffy
Go Don (and Mandy)! Wishing you all the best for this amazing challenge.

Jacqueline Combe
For you Shamus xxxx💙

Mark Bamber
I hope you have a comfy seat Don :) great cause and good luck. Mark, Nat & family

Frank Kapor
Nice work mate

Clare Lines
Your strength, courage and determination to do this ride in memory of your beloved son Shaun, is a beautiful and inspiring thing to do. We wish you all the very best and safe journey to Esperance. 💙❤

Geoff Shaw
Well done Don have a safe trip

Cindy Anderson
Good on you Don you are an inspiration to us all

Jamie Maher
Such a worthy cause, good luck Don

Lesley Sermon
Great cause to donate to go well you guys Love Les & Col

Jill Kennedy

Billy Elliot
Good luck, love from Billy & Maria Elliot

Tracy Adam-gigengack
Go Don! Such a fantastic thing to do. Shaun will be with you all the way xx love Tracy and Rene

Donna Oraw
Go Don and Mandy Shaun would be so proud of you both. We will be thinking of you both Lots of Love Donna and John (Made in Scotland Shaun ) xxxx

Kim Lynch
Great work Don, we love your dedication and grit. In loving memory of Shaun 💙 The Lynch family.

Damien Carroll
All the best Don, such a worthy cause !

Joanne Dixon
Sending lots of love

Tegan Gilchrist
Proud of you dad xx

Lynne Nicholls
What an amazing thing you are doing Don and Mandy in memory of your Shaun.❤️❤️

Perth Hot Water & Gas

Wellstead Bush Park
A lovely donation from the people at Wellstead Bush Park. Thanks guys, much appreciated xx

Iain & Jane Sillars
All the best from Iain and Jane Sillars.

Alex Burnett
Smashing it. 👏👏👏

Don & Mandy Gilchrist
Go Me!!!!!!

Lorraine Henderson
What an amazing thing you are doing for such an important cause. Don you are Shauns amazing Dad with Shaun’s amazing Mum Mandy supporting you all the way. 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

Mark Bamber
Excellent work Don, all the best for ride, I hope you’ve got a comfy seat 😃

Leanne Elliot
I hope this helps you towards reaching your target. Its absolutely incredible what you are doing, wishing you the best of luck. Love Leanne xx
