I was working full-time, an athletic person and extremely fit, when I was diagnosed with cancer. In August 2020, I was diagnosed with an aggressive peritoneal metastatic ovarian cancer.
I was working full-time, an athletic person and extremely fit, when I was diagnosed with cancer.
In August 2020, I was diagnosed with an aggressive peritoneal metastatic ovarian cancer. The cancer originated in my ovaries, with no genetic history in my family. My cancer is now Stage 4, despite ongoing treatments.
I had what is known as “the mother of all surgeries” in 2020 – a nine-hour surgery with 14 doctors, and a heated chemotherapy, called HIPEC. I was just the 12th person in Australia to have this surgery.
I spent two weeks in ICU afterwards then had to fly back home from Brisbane to Mackay, where I spent another two weeks in hospital.
Ever since, I’ve been on chemotherapy due to cancer progression in lymph nodes in my groin, and now in my lungs. The cancer has been hard to control, so now I need both chemotherapy and stereotactic radiation – which is expensive.
I’ve had many challenges along the way.
After surgery I had a bowel obstruction and needed blood transfusions.
I have a high level of pain in my abdominal area, so pain management has been difficult.
I’ve had blood clots in both my arms.
I am neutropenic, which means my immunity is low and something as common as the flu could kill me.
I am allergic to the dye used in CT scans, and my cancer is hard to see – it has been invisible in the past.
My treatment has also caused me to have anaphylactic seizures.
It’s hard to see specialists in Mackay, so I have to travel. Travel expenses, as well as the costs of treatment are adding up.
With the cancer now in my lungs too, I know it is finally going to get me, but would appreciate any help with expenses so I can spend the time I have left with my family.
I am truly grateful for anything you can contribute.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Richard And Kate Vines


Leslie Loughnan
This should help a little bit.

Kerrie Grimshaw
Sending lots of love to you Chelene xx


Merryn Porter
Wishing you all the very best with your treatment and hoping there is an improvement soon.

Rebecca Taylor
Donating on behalf of Kate and Hugo who as their wedding present asked their guests to make a donation to anyone they wished. We hope this helps in some way

L Turner
Keep up the good positive fight xo


Julie Palmer
All the best Chelene


Charles And Therese Townley

Lauren Colbran


All the best, hope it goes well for you



Jasmine Lumb

David Southwood
Best of luck

Harry Deurhof


Beck Passfield

Pauline Lenancker
Best wishes from Pauline, Tony, and Lex, friends of your lovely daughter.

David Khalifa

Anne&vincent Boe
We wish you all the best!


Col Palmer

Lucas Van Damme


Symone Chaplin

Tenille Hutchins


Julie Palmer
Good luck Chelene
With our very best wishes. Stay strong.