Helping Megan Heke

By Megan Heke

On the 25th of June 2017, I presented with food poisoning-like symptoms.  Unfortunately that wasn’t the case- I was diagnosed with Gastric Intestinal Stromal Tumour Cancer (GIST) stomach cancer.

My name is Megan Heke I am 45 years of age, a single mother of two children - Jack (9) and Laine (6). On the 25th of June 2017, I presented with food poisoning-like symptoms, unfortunately that wasn’t the case - I was diagnosed with Gastric Intestinal Stromal Tumour Cancer (GIST) stomach cancer. At the time my youngest son Laine was 3 months old.

This cancer is a metastatic disease which has travelled to lymph nodes, liver & kidneys and surgery wasn’t an option.

My treatment to date has been oral chemotherapy started with Gleevec (Imatinib) in July 2017. This treatment worked for 12 months but then we started to see changes / growth on my scan results.

I commenced new treatment Sutent (Sunitinib) doing 4-week cycles on treatment and 2 weeks off. Unfortunately, the same has occurred; it worked for over 12 months and now we are seeing growth on the scan results.

When there was no other treatment options available, I was lucky enough to be accepted for a immunotherapy trial for which I had iv immunotherapy fortnightly for 2 years, this treatment was successful in reducing my stomach tumours in size slightly and keeping my stomach tumours fully stable.

In my recent scan February 2023 there has been growth in the liver tumours and another treatment was needed.  I commenced on Qinlock and I had a severe allergic reaction to this medication, I am unsure now what the future holds in the way of treatment options.

I now need a new treatment, alternative therapies and a second opinion from a GIST Specialist in another state, however there is no funding / money to support this.

I’m a single mum who is unable to work due to cancer symptoms / chemotherapy side effects, therefore I don’t have the funds available to pay for my own treatment.


I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart this will be life changing 😊

Thank you to my Sponsors



May God Bless you and your family and heal you.


Kate & Richard Vines

With our very best wishes.


Fiona Townsend


Bel & Richie

Love you Megs x



With our love xox M & G


Uncle Doc Aunty Rozeena






Best wishes for everything in your future, sending love and all the hope to you and your family.


Teresa Green

I hope this donation will help you reach your target with the support of others. Stay strong. XX



Praying for your recovery and for quality time with your family


Petya Arabadzhiyska


Christina T

So sorry you have to go through this Megan. Will pray the treatment is effective.


Wendy Glaagow

Sending all our strength your way Megan, your boys are lucky to have such a strong resilient mother!


Jay Tanrungruangtawee

Stay strong. I hope this message can help you feel a little better and bring a smile to your face.




Peter Argiro

Sending you our love and strength, after being told there was no option for my wife we found a way ❤


Nicole Rapone

I hope that this can help you out. My daughter has had Gist for 3 1/2 years also. With love xxx


Traditional Herbal Remedies

Wishing you all the very best for a positive and healthy future



Dear Megan, I'm a GIST patient too. I hope that this latest line of medication works well for you.


Peter Giannopoulos

I wish you the very best with your treatments




Jessica Pereira

Like the kind people who donated to me before, I am paying it forward to you. All the very best xo



Go well, Megan!





I hope this helps you and your family.




Rahil A





All the best for success with the next treatment!


Trish Palmer


Trish Fehon


Trish & Peter Feho


Stephanie Gal

From one single mum to another, all the best to you and your boys


Janice Lewis

Sending love and hope xx



Thinking of you and your family.



Thinking of you and your family.


Amy Kiss

Megan you are an amazing, generous lovely person. Wish I could do more x


Megan Howarth

Beat this bloody horrid disease girl.


Jaulna Fereti

Thinking of you Megan


Daryl Wade

I also have GIST, stage 4. What’s happening to you is what keeps me up at night, the meds failing. I hope this helps and feel free to reach out to talk. You got this.


Fiona Townsend

Love you xx


Leanna Sione

Megan. You are an absolute true fighter! Sending you love and healing x





You are such a great mum,keep positive xxx


J Firth

Sending much love Megan


Tessa Burgoyne

Sending you and your boys so much love beautiful Megan 🩵


Allana Milfull

Kia Kahu Megsy. ❤️🙏


Julia Carlomagno


Joanna Adamson

Kia kaha, Megan, from a fellow GIST patient. I hope you find the medical support you need.


Sharyn Clarke

Megan I hope this helps in some small way and that you get to have quality time with your boys this Christmas