Helping Sophie Grills

By Sophie Grills

Update from Sophie's father, Robert 01/06/2020:


"We are going okay... Sophie has had two major surgeries recently and more to come she is very weak tired and still in some pain but keeps on battling on with her strong will and smile."


Updates on Sophie's story Sophie was two and half years old... ...when we took her to loads of doctors and specialists as she had been unwell on and off for weeks and we knew something wasn't right but they just kept saying, “its a virus, its a virus”. One morning, she woke up, was eating her breakfast and then suffered a massive fit. That’s when our world come tumbling down.


She was taken to John Hunter Hospital for emergency surgery to release the pressure in her brain. In the waiting room in intensive care in front of everyone we were told she had something in her brain that looked like a tumour. They tried to get it out but couldn’t. She was transferred to Westmead Hospital and Dr Dexter got the whole tumour out. At first we were told it was not cancerous and then four days later we found out it was and it was bad and she may not survive. Our Sophie went through ten months of intense chemo. She was stronger than the adults. They didn't know what they were dealing with, as it was very rare. She got really sick with the chemo and ended up with a bad case of mucositis where her stomach was being drained. We nearly lost her then too.


She was also in a lot of pain but she would never yell at us, as she is a child that never complains and always smiles. She was on nasal feeds that whole time plus few months after it all she lost all her strength and had to learn to sit stand and walk again play again talk and other things that was hard for us and her. She got very upset and frustrated with herself. She is still starting over with speech and very weak in her muscles but walks parts on her own now. Sophie will need a lot of special treatment with her feet and she will never be able to look up anymore and cannot focus properly anymore. In the last few months she has also had two emergency surgeries as her shunt has been blocked. This set her back again too but she is a trooper who always battles on.


Our children were deeply effected by this too as they are all close and love each other very much. We keep battling on as my husband is not a well man either with chronic fatigue, chronic depression, bi polar and damaged back with discs removed. He gets very upset that he can’t provide for us but I tell him that were just happy to have him. We always say there's others worse off and that helps to get us through the days. Sophie is our miracle child. Sophie needs play equipment to help her strength come back travel costs is a big thing too also she loves books and stationery to help her speech and fine motors skills. Thank you for giving us the chance to give you our story. It’s hard as no one knows much at all about this tumour 7th in the world. Thanks again we wish all rare cancer patients the best. "PLESE NOTE THAT ALL FUNDS DONATED FOR SOPHIE WILL GO TOWARDS HER REHABILITATION.”

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lemmey Secker

Best wishes on your journey


Fundraising Dinner


Anonymous Donor


Proceeds From Lynette Large "shed A Dread" Fundraiser

Funds donated by Lynette Large from a fundraiser for shaving her dreadlocks off.


Helen And Kevin Wyld

We hope that everything is getting better in your lives. Best wishes, Helen and Kevin.



Some funds for fuel and car rego


Blake Dohnt's Chocolate Sales

The money Blake and friends raised by selling chocolates


Rotary Club Of Myall Coast Inc.


Anonymous Donor


Phil And Danielle Stephenson

With our very best wishes for Christmas


Causley Family

Stay strong little one and family


Dalwood-wylie Foundation

All the best for your treatment from Helena Wylie, Managing Director of the Dalwood-Wylie Foundation


St Joseph's Primary School Bulahdelah

Good luck, our prayers and thoughts are with you.


Jack & Co Food Stores

Funds raised through 20 cent Tuesday


Anonymous Donor

Good luck with the everyday battles


Sergey Bakhmat


Richard And Kate Vines

With our very best wishes. Stay strong.



I hope this helps, God bless.


Helen And Kevin Wyld

An incredible story. We hope that this will cover some fuel costs to the treatments.


Anonymous Donor


Causley Family

Stay strong little one


Helen & Kevin Wyld


Old Bar School "spider" Fundraiser

Blake sold spider soft drinks at school, this is the money he raised



Sorry we couldnt be there tonight - hope it goes well


Jim Clegg

With best wishes for your recovery



Stay strong. You little daughter seems to be very strong and special. All the best.


Victoria Stone

Wishing you all the best xx


Team Smith


The Cunningham Family

Angus was very touched by your story. We wish you all the very best.


Sheryl Rumbel

Good luck Blake



Hi Bec, I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to your daughter. Wishing you and Sophie all the best


Chen Family


Kate Shaw


Julie Orr


Julia Carlomagno


Mark Oliver


Vivien Deed

I donate already to BTAA because I had a brother die from an Astrocytoma. I hope for the Best News


Catherine Gildea

In memorial to Helen Winslade who was lost to a rare cancer. She wished to help others in her passin



All the best. You are being so brave.


Kerry Hohol

Great work Blake. Thinking of you Sophie and family.


Emie Borthwick

Donated as part of Lyn Lemmy-Secker's fundraiser. Good luck!


Anonymous Donor




Andy Laidlaw

Best for everything


Yvonne Dixon

Great Work Blake



Is not much but is from the bottom of my heart.. my thoughts are with you little girl!


Anonymous Donor


Kim Mcgill

To help Blake raise money to buy Sophie a new bed for Christmas


From The Adams Family

Thanks for helping Blake. We're thinking of you Sophie


Nicole Fox

Take care little lady! Xx


Anonymous Donor

Good on you Blake! So proud of you xo All the best Sophie xoxo


Sonya Robins

Donated on behalf of Lyn Lemmey-Seckers fundraiser


Anonymous Donor


Trudee Flintrop

Here's to a brave little girl, your story capture my heart ♡


Anonymous Donor


Scott And Rachael Paterson

Good luck Blake



Stay strong Sophie, our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Cherylynne Perry

Thanks Blake


Ernie Perry

Good Job


Liz Holmes

Donated on behalf of Lyn Lemmy-Secker's fundraiser. Good luck!


Anonymous Donor


Katie Elderton

Sending love and prayers Sophie x


Anonymous Donor


Anonymous Donor


Anonymous Donor